
info on the dragonballs
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Important Numbers
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Kaio-shin Relation Chart
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Furiza and his followers Chart
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Map of Fights from 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai
Map of Fights from the Red Ribbon Saga
Map of Fights from the Piccolo Daimo Saga
Map of Fights from the Android and Cell Saga
Map of Fights from the Furiza Saga
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Important Numbers

In the back of Daizenshyu 7, there is a long list of important numbers that tell you what happens in some parts of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

Important Numbers

-40 - Degrees Lowest temperature in the Room of the Spirit and Time.

1/10 - Ratio of the Earth destroyed between the fight of SSJ3 Goku and Fat Buu.

1/4 - Fraction of the atmosphere's density of the Room of Spirit and Time compared to the Earth's density.

2/3 - Ratio of the Earth destroyed by Buu when Goten and Trunks were doing their fusion training.

80% - Percentage of towns and people killed by Buu on his first day of terrorizing.

1 Minute - The time that Cell programmed his self-destruction to blow up the world. Not even Cell could stop it if he wanted to, let alone any other person that was there.

1 Minute - The time for Goku to register for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

1 Minute - Time needed for Goku to achieve SSJ3, so he could fight Buu.

1 Minute - Time needed for Oolong to do another transformation after he did two other transformations.

About 1 Hour - Time passed between the time that Goku stepped into the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai ring and when he stepped out.

1 Hour - Time it took Vegeta to catch Gohan and Krillin, while they were going at their top speed to go to Guru's home.

1 Hour - The lasting of the Artificial Moon that Vegeta made on Earth to transform himself into an ape, as well as Gohan. It was night when he did this.

1 Hour - Time Super Buu had to wait for Goten and Trunks to come out of the Room and Spirit and Time so he cold absorbs them.

1 Hour - The time Goku had to wait for his new clothes to be made by the tailor, because his old ones where tarnished by the Red Ribbon Army.

1 Hour - The time that Piccolo succeeded to do, to make Super Buu wait outside in Kami's tower, while Goten and Trunks trained.

1 Week - The time Goku had to have to learn fusion.

1 Week of Supplies - Amount of food at Kame sennin's house.

1 Month - The amount of time that Bulma's candy to make someone have constipation.

1 Month - The time that Gohan had to hide his Super Saiyan disguise from Videl until the Budoukai.

1 Month of Supplies - Amount of food in Oolong's M Capsule roadhouse refrigerator.

1 Year - The time when Android 17 blew off Gohan's arm and when Android 17 and Android 18 killed him. (Future Trunks World)

1 Year - The time you must revive someone by the Dragon Balls. 2 Number of Kaioken's Goku can do without taking any damage from Vegeta and Nappa.

2 - Number of Senzu beans that Korin gave to Goku before he went to go fight Vegeta and Nappa.

2 - Seconds The time that Mr. Satan said that he could defeat Goku after taking one look at him.

Less than 2 Minutes - The time that the Nameks teleported off the exploding Namek and going to Earth. Only Goku and Freeza remained.

2 Minutes - The time that passed from Vegeta's defeat from Recoome's attack and the time Goku touched down on Namek.

2 Minutes - The time that Tsuru sennin and Kame sennin spent shouting insults at each other before the registration of the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

2 Hours - The time that Krillin needed to get to Guru's home from Freeza's ship.

2 Hours - The time that Bulma needed to make the Saiya Man costume for Gohan.

2 Hours - The time that Gohan spent daydreaming of poses for his new costume.

2 Days - The time that Yamcha had to get to Mount Fry Pan from the Diablo Desert.

2 Days - The time that Kaio sama predicted that Goku would return to Earth after training. He had to get there after finding out it would take him one day to cross Snake Way.

2 Days - The time that Vegeta spent going back to the spot where the Dragon Balls where buried and the time Goku's ship came on Namek.

2-3 Days - Time that Goku thought it would take Goten and Trunks to learn Fusion before Super Buu could find them.

2 Months - The time between the wet season in Namu's village and the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

2 Months - The time that Vegeta needed to gain SSJ2.

2 Months - The time that Vegeta spent in the Room of Spirit and Time to gain Ultra Super Saiyan.

2 ½ Years - The number of years between Freeza and King Cold's death and the birth of Trunks.

2 Kilometers - The distance between the milkman's place and the first house on the island that Kame sennin was training Goku and Krillin.

2 Tons - The amount of weight on Goku's hands and feet when Southern Kaiosama came to visit.

3 Seconds - The time that Tao Pai Pai said that it would take to kill Goku when he fought him a second time.

3 Minutes - The time that Kame sennin took to register in as Jackie Chun for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

3 Hours - The time that Goku spent to go down and come up Korin tower the second time he did it.

3 Hours - Time that Vegeta destroyed the Namek village and the message to Freeza to alert the Ginyu Force by the scout that found out about the village.

3 Days - The time that Goku and Bulma met Kame sennin and then went to the village that Oolong was terrorizing.

3 Days - The time that Goku, Bulma, and Oolong needed to go to Mount Fry Pan and the spot of Oolong's terrorizing village.

3 Days - The time that Goku needed to gain Korin's holy water.

3 Days - The time that the tailor needed make Tao Pai Pai some new clothes.

3 Days - The time it took Lunch, Muton Roshi, and Krillin to get well after eating some badly made puffer fish.

3 Years - The time it took Kame sennin to take the Holy Water from Korin. It was really tap water.

3 Years - The time it took for Cell to regenerate after arriving from the time machine.

4 - Number of identical clothes that Android 17 has.

4 Days - The time between Zarbon's death and the arrival of the Ginyu Force.

4 Months - Time of recovery that Goku needed from the doctors and nurses from the fight of Vegeta.

4 Months - Time that Shen Long needs to rest when he grants one wish instead of three.

4 Years - The age that Pan was when she went into the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

4 Years Prior - The moment that Kami said that Cell would come in the time machine four years prior to his coming.

5 Seconds - The time that Silver said it would take to defeat Goku. However, Silver only got a couple seconds to be defeated by Goku.

5 Seconds - Amount of time for Buu to sleep.

5 Seconds - Super Buu absorbed time of delay it took Goku to find someone to fuse with, with the Potarra Earings after Gohan.

5 Seconds - Time that Mr. Satan said that it would be that long for Goku to last against Cell.

5 and 6/10 of a Second - Time it took for Kame sennin to run 100 meters when Goku and Krillin were training under him.

5 Minutes - Amount of time for Gotenks to stay in SSJ3.

5 Minutes - The time it would take for Blue's bomb to explode.

5 Minutes - The time available after Yamcha registered for the 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

5 Minutes - The time that passed between Vegeta's short time standing near the ring where Cell was in, and the start of the first match.

5 Minutes - The time between Rou Kaioushin's powering up of Gohan and Gotenks SSJ3 transformation.

5 Minutes - Maximum time Oolong could stay in transformation.

5 Minutes - A very long 5 minutes. The time Freeza threw the energy ball into Namek and letting it explode.

5 Hours - The time it would take to fly from Bulma's hideout and to the Great Elder.

5 Hours - Time it would take to travel to Satan City by jet from East District 439.

5 Hours - Time it would take for Rou Kaioshin to raise a man's power level to his maximum.

5 Days - Time you need to travel from Freeza Planet No.79 to Namek.

5 Days - The time that Goku's ship traveled to Namek from Earth.

5 Days - The time it took to rebuild Kami's spaceship to bring humans to Namek.

5 Days - Number of days Babidi estimated that he would destroy the Earth.

5 ½ Days - The time that Krillin and Dende went to Guru's house and the arrival of Goku on Namek.

5 ½ Days - The time that Goku found out that Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaozu were on Kaiosama's planet and the time he needed to get to Namek.

5 ½ Days - The time that Piccolo trained on Kaiosama's planet.

5 Years - The amount of time that Goku hadn't seen Bulma until the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

About 5 Years - Amount of time between the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai and Radditz's arrival. Gohan was born in this time.

6 - The amount of Saiybamen that Nappa had brought to Earth.

6 - The number of senzus that Krillin had when everyone went to search for Dr. Gero's lab.

The Number 6 - The number that Tambourine had to search for Guilan, so he could kill him.

6 Hours - The equilvant to one minute in the Earth, while in the Room of Spirit and Time.

6 Hours - The time that Goku had to fight the poisoned drink.

7 Years - The amount of time that Goku had died against Cell and the time that Gohan had entered high school.

7 Years - The amount of time between the Cell Saga and Buu Saga. It is also the amount of time that is between the 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai and the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

7 Years - The time that Videl had competed in the Tenkaichi Budoukais.

8 - The amount of towers that covers Red's Red Ribbon Army.

8 5/10 Seconds - The amount of time that Goku ran the 100 meters when Muton Roshi tested him under his wing.

8 Months - The amount of time that Krillin and Goku trained under Kame sennin until the Tenkaichi Budoukai came.

8 Months - The amount of time that is needed for Bulma's spatial-temporal machine to power up and start up again.

8 Years - The time that Krillin had to spend being tortured at the Oorin Temple with his other disciples.

8 Meters - The height that Gohan jumped to catch the baseball in a school baseball game.

9 - The amount of senzus that Korin gave Yajirobe to give to the Z Fighters so they could fight the Androids.

10 - The amount of laps that Goku and Krillin had to swim around the lake with the shark in it when they were training under Kame sennin.

10 - The amount of gravity times normal gravity in the Room of Spirit and Time. This is also the same amount on Kaio sama's planet.

10 Seconds - The estimated time that Dodoria said it would take to kill the three Namek fighters.

10 Seconds - The estimated time that Punter said it would take to defeat Krillin.

10 1/10 Seconds- Krillin's best time to run a 100-meter dash.

10 4/10 Seconds - The time that Krillin ran when training under Kame sennin.

10 Minutes - The amount of time that Goku had hurt his leg and the time that Yamcha came to Pilaf's castle.

10 Minutes - The amount of time that was between the fight of Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin vs. Recoome, and Guldo.

10 Minutes - The time that Goku cleaned himself on his way to Namek, while it's about to land in 20 minutes.

10 Minutes - The amount of time before the finals in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai and the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

About 10 Days - The amount of time that Bulma had found the 5-Star Dragon Ball and the time she met Goku.

10 Days - The days that were needed to repair Kami's spaceship and the time Bulma learned the necessary Namek.

10 Days - The time that Videl learned how to fly from Gohan.

10 Days - The estimated time that Trunks said Goku would fully recover from his medicine.

10 Days - -The amount of time when Vegeta and Trunks fought Cell to the Cell Game.

About 10 Years - The amount of time when Mount Fry Pan came on fire and the time it was put out by Kame sennin.

10 Years - Ubuu's age when he came to the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

10 Years - The time between Buu's death and the start of the last Tenkaichi Budoukai.

10 Meters - This distance or shorter to effectively destroy the Androids.

10 Tons - The weight of one of the four weights on Goku's arms and legs when Southern Kaio sama came.

11 Seconds - The time Goku ran under Kame sennin the first time. He got a second chance, because his shoes were open at his toes.

12 People - The amount of finalists in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

14 - The number 11 to Goku, that is, until he learned that he was really counting to 11, instead of 14.

14 Years - The age Goku thought he was, because, when he met Bulma, he thought 14 came right after 11. He was actually 12.

14 People - The number of people that didn't survive before Goku, after drinking the poisonous, Super Holy Water.

15 - The boards that Mr. Satan brought to show how strong he was to Cell before he fought him.

16 - The number of adults in the finals in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

17 Years - The age that Trunks was when he killed Freeza and King Cold, while also meeting Goku.

About 17 Years Ago - The number of years Trunks went back to go fight Freeza and King Cold, and also warning every one of the Androids.

18 Days - The amount of time that it takes a spaceship to go from Earth to Freeza Planet No. 79.

19 - The number after 18, which Goku had forgotten in math class and from time to time.

19 Days - The time that it took the Red Ribbon Army to go look for a Dragon Ball after they started searching for them.

20 G - The amount of G that Goku trained under after he trained under 10 G, while going to Namek.

20 Minutes - The time it takes Gohan to go to his school from his home at the length of 1,000 kilometers.

20 Minutes - The amount of time between the ending of Ginyu's orders and the time Goku landed on Namek.

20 Minutes - The amount of time it would take to travel from Capsule Corporation to Kame House.

20 Minutes - The amount of time between Mr. Satan's arrival to the ring of Cell and the first fight.

20 Hours - The time it takes Kaio shin to figure out how strong a person is without having a ceremony.

20 Days - The amount of time since the Red Ribbon Army started searching for the Dragon Balls and the fight between Goku and White.

About 20 Years - The time since Freeza and King Cold had died and the journey back to Trunk's world.

20 Meters - The length that Goku and Krillin had to jump over the trap in the under ground pirate cave.

20 Kilos - The weight of the turtle shells that Goku and Krillin had to wear for their first seven months training under Kame sennin.

20 Kilos - The amount of weight of one of the boot's that Goku wears.

24 Hours - The amount of time Goku was granted to stay on Earth from Heaven.

28 - The time that Southern Kaio sama to Northern Kaio sama met and the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

30 Minutes - The normal amount of time for fusion.

30 Minutes - The amount of time that Goku had left to return to heaven after he fought Buu in SSJ3.

30 Minutes - The time that Goku and Krillin had to find the rock that Kame sennin threw before they could eat dinner.

30 Minutes - The time that Freeza's men thought that Vegeta would be healed so he could fight again, when actually, Vegeta was healed for some time.

30 Minutes - The time between the Children Division finals and the start of the Adult Division in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

30 Minutes - The time between the death of Babidi from Buu and the time that Goku returned back to Heaven.

30 Days - The time that Bulma met Goku and the time that Bulma's summer vacation was over.

40 Days - Time it took for Goku to try and catch Bubbles.

40 Kilos - The weight that Goku and Krillin had to wear of the shells on their backs during the last month.

50 - The number of room's in Videl's house.

50 Years - The amount of time it took Kame sennin to officially learn the Kamehameha.

50 G - The amount of G that Goku had set for the trip to Namek half way through.

Amount for 50 People - The amount of food that Goku had eaten after the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

50 Degrees (Celsius) - The maximum temperature in the Room of Spirit and Time, much like the same as a desert in the afternoon on Earth.

65 - The amount of zeni for a cab ride in Southern City.

Number 70 - Goku's number in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

72 - The number of people in the beginning rounds of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Number 84 - The number that was the patrol guard in the Red Ribbon Army that came across Bulma's robot.

85 - Centimeters Bulma's bust size. Number 93 Krillin's number in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

96% - The percent that Android 19 thought that it was possible it was Yamcha he encountered.

100 - The amount of people that Radditz wanted so he could get Gohan back.

100 Days - The amount of time it would take Dende to make some new Dragon Balls from scratch.

100 Years Ago - The time that Kame sennin found the 30-Star ball on his beach.

100 G - Maximum gravity that was in Goku's ship that was on the way to Namek. More than 100 Kilos The amount of weight that is on Goku's gi and including the boots.

The 108th Child - Guru's child that he bore, also known as Dende.

120% - The percentage that Mr. Satan judged himself over the other fighters in the Tenkaichi Budoukais, saying that they were much weaker than him.

137 - The number of people in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

137 - Mr. Satan's best score on the punching machine.

150 G - The gravity that Trunks and Vegeta trained under while in the Room of Spirit and Time.

158 Days - The time between Goku's time on Kaio sama's planet and the time Nappa and Vegeta were coming to Earth.

186 - Goku's score after hitting the punching machine as lightly as possible.

192 - Krillin's score after hitting the punching machine as lightly as possible.

200 - The amount of people that Majin Vegeta killed in the stands in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

203 - Android 18's score after hitting the punching machine again after she hit it as light as possible.

210 - Piccolo's score after hitting the punching machine as light as possible.

230 Centimeters - One of the fighters of the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai, whose name is Mokekko.

300 Years Ago - When Kame sennin climbed Korin tower and trained under Korin.

About 300 Years Ago - The time that Dabura and his followers have been searching the Earth.

About 300 People - The amount of people that were on the island that Kame sennin brought Goku, Krillin, and Lunch to for Goku and Krillin's training.

774 Android - 18's first score when punching the punch machine in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

800 - Korin's age.

Channel 872 - The station that a story on the disappearance of the population in Ginger Town.

1,000 Years - The amount of time that Kaio shin had to live but he gave it to Goku as a sacrifice.

Once every 1,000 Years - The time a new Super Saiyan emerges.

1,000 Kilometers - The amount of distance between the high school and Gohan's house.

1,200 Kilometers - West The distance to Oolong's village and Goku's home.

3,000 Kilometers - The distance from Kame House to Tienshinhan's house when Radditz came.

10,000 - The distance from the Kame House to points 573 and 18220.

10,000 - The amount of zeni that the martial arts fighter offered to anyone in West City that could beat him.

15,000 - The amount of people that live in Ginger Town.

47,000 - The amount of zeni for the bill that Kame sennin had to pay in the restaurant when Goku had eaten all the food there after the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

100,000 - The amount of zeni for the 5th place person in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

200,000 - The amount of zeni for the 4th place person in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

300,000 - The amount of zeni for the 3rd place person in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

500,000 - The amount of zeni for the 2nd place person in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

1,000,000 - The amount of zeni for the champion in the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai.

1,000,000 Kilometers - The length of Snake Way to Northern Kaio sama's planet.

2,000,000 - The amount of zeni that Android 18 told Mr. Satan to give her if she threw her match.

10,000,000 - The amount of zeni that Urani Baba charges for her fortunes.

50,000,000 - The amount of zeni that sale's for Tao Pai Pai's help.

100,000,000 - The amount of zeni that Tao Pai Pai demands to kill someone with pay.