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What if.......

Heres some What if stories sent in by people.

What if Bulma never made a time machine? By:Barfster001

This starts in Trunk's universe, after he was beaten by the androids he would heal and continue to train. Then after several more beatings he would be passed Future Gohans strength which was stronger than the androids. He would once again go off to fight the androids and end up killing 18 and run away. This would happen 1 year before Cell arrives. Then he would continue to fight 17 and always be close to killing him. So 17 would run away to Dr. Geros lab and awaken 16. 16 would be at the same strength as in regual DBZ and would be slighty stronger than Trunks and wouldn't be as peaceful as he was. Then Cell would arrive to find Trunks duking it out with 17 and 16. 16 would see Cell and start to fight him, easily winning beacuse Cell couldn't absorb anybody. But Cell would use his solar flare to sneak passed 16 and absorb 17. Then at his new power he would ask where 18 was and Trunks would say he killed her. This would enrage Cell and he would crush Trunks. By now 16 would get his sight back and join in the fray only to have half his head destroyed like in the sereis. So they would run off to get healed and 16 would use his information about Goku to remember the room of spirit and time. so they would go off to train for a day and both would come out with a power around Vegetas after he leaves the room of spirit and time. Days later they would find Cell having absorbed hundreds of towns so his power would be much larger than both of theirs but they would still fight and lose badly. They would then once again go off to train for a year in a day. Now when they come out their power would be around Gokus after leaving the room of spirit and time. Two days later they find Cell with a power only a bit larger than theirs so 16 and Trunks would attack. Trunks would use a Burning attack to weaken Cell a great deal and then 16 would use his arms to attack from a distance while Trunks distracks him. Cell would then fake death and 16 and Trunks wouldn't notice his power. So he would spend his next days searching for other strong but weaker opponents to absorb. He would find the bodies of the Z warriors still in the city 9 miles south west of south city. He would absorb them and their powers somehow. Cell being over confident would track down Trunks and 16 training together. But on his way he would find the dead body of 18 and absorb it to become Perfect.Quickly tracking down Trunks and 16 he would surprise them and defeat them with little trouble. Cell would then fly off and make cell juniors to destroy the world. King Ki sick of watching earth suffer would go to Namek and get Dende to make new dragonballs and be the guardien of earth. He would then summon Trunks and 16 to get the dragonballs and wish everyone killed by the androids and Cell to come back. So the Z warriors would come back and go to find Dende. Trunks would explain the stroy, but 16 would see Goku and remember his mission to destroy him. He would attack full force, but Goku had trained for all those years and would easily keep him under control. The second wish would be to make 16 good forever and that would be the last wisha nd the balls would scatter. So for the next few weeks the Z warriors would train for 2 days each, and Piccolo and Kami would fuse. Cell would sense the high amount of energy and go to investergate. Cell would arrive but be in shock beacuse he though most of them were dead. He would then think up the Cell games thinking he was the strongest and be killed by a SS3 Goku. But Goku would want to warn another time about the androids and have Bulma make one anyway. So he would leave to our universe "yay" and kill the androids single handedly. But wait Dr Gero likes to linger beacuse theirs a movie cross over! Androdis 13, 14, and 15, are made and are as strong as a SS 3 Goku. They come a year later and the androids would get the dragonballs back and wish for all the villians back. This revives androids 17, 18, 20, and 21 aka Cell Freeza, King Cold and evryone else. Since 20 is alive he awakens 19 and the world looks grim even the Red Ribbon armys back along with Piccolo Diamo, Nappa, Ginyu force, and Radditz . And after all that time the 2 sayins Radditz and Nappa can turn SS. But Goku steps up and kills the Ginyus, and RR with little trouble. Now Piccolo Diamo fuses with his son Piccolo to become one of the strongest warriors ever. But Goku our valient hero kills the new Piccolo Diamo but saves Piccolo and Kami. Meanwhile Freeza and his dad square off with Gohan even at SS he loses but discovers SS2 and kills them. Now radditz and Nappa are more of a match for Vegeta, but with the help of 16 he kills them. This once again leaves the androids the only enemys. 19, and 20 went on a absorbing spree and their powers are abve all human and namek powers, but once again 16 helps Piccolo and Tein defeta them. 17 and 18 and being beaten by Trunks whose fury has turned him SS 2. But Kururin finds the dragonballs and wishes to turn 18 human( 13, 14, and 15 only used one wish). 18 now turns good and turns on her brother to help Gohan kill 17. Now only 13, 14, 15 and Cell are left. Goku uses his spirit bomb to kill 14 and 15. 13 and Cell fuse, but at the last second Cell absorbes 13 and he is more than a match for a fused SS 3 Goku and SS 2 Vegeta. Then seeing their fathers being beaten Trunks and Gohan fuse both at SS 2. Both of the fusions use their major attacks to only tick off Cell. So at the last minute they fuse to make a SS 4 fusion that is barley above cells power. 10 minutes later the fusion lets call it Trunku gets severly weaker because Gogetas fusion wore off, then in another 5 minuets he is reduced down to only a SS beacuse Gohan+Trunks lets call Trunhan wore off, but all 4 are fused together. 15 min after that the fusion is compeletly off and each of the sayins can't go SS. So Tein and Yamcha fuse to make Yamien and they are just beaten by Cell So everyone runs away for a year to train for 2 years in 2 days. Once again everyon fuses in fours except Piccolo who fuses with Dende to make Dendiccolo, then there's Kururcha, and Trunku. ALso during the year of training the Z warriors made a wish to have any race fuse for any amount of time. so all fusions fuse to make Vegchauende. He looks like a cross between Gogeta and piccolo with Teins third eye. They combined use their various techniques to overpower cell and as an hour passes things look bleak for cell the fusion wears out because of the vast amount of energy and cell kills everyone except Trunks and Gohan(wow talk about Deja Vu). Now Trunks cuts off Cells head and Gohan uses a choun Kamehameha to kill him once and for all. Man all this because of one stupid invention, Bulma don't quit your day job.

What if Goku wanted him and Gohan to be last? By:Barfster001

After the losers fight Vegeta would go first. It would be a long fight and after losing in SS mode he would go Ultra SS. His power would be about the same as Goku's when first coming out of the time chamber. So now Vegeta would tire Cell out but get beaten. Now Cell would want Tien to come up because he knew Tien was very weak and could rest, but Tien would use his multi form and Tri beam to tick Cell off so much that he would actualy start fighting and kick Tiens butt. Next would be Piccolo who would keep regenerating to once again tire cell out and then lose. Now cell would call Yamcha who is weaker than Tien and has no major attacks so after a buch of wolf fang fists Trunks would since Cells growing power so he tells Yamcha to say I give up. So now Trunks would step up to Cell and Cell would be PO'ed at this but is now very rested. So Trunks at Ultra SS would have a bit more power than Vegeta and would have a Goku vs. Cell like fight, but Cell wouldn't warm up or play around and after awhile kill trunks. Gohan and Goku would be so ticked that they would go SS2. Goku would try to fight but Cell would proceed to kill Vegeta Piccolo Kururin Chaitzu Tien and 16. This would be enough for both of them to go SS3 and easily kill cell forever. Later they would wish for everyone back and at the start of the Buu Saga Majin Vegeta would be killed by an Ultimate Kamehameha which would provide enough energy to realese Buu. Goten would be much stronger than Trunks because Goku would train him and when they fused they would kill Buu. During the baby saga Uubu would also be strong enough to hold his own against baby the first time SS 4 would be discovered during the training time between the Buu and Baby Saga so Vegeta would died once again and keep the 17's from escaping hell but since people were still killed alot the Shenlong saga would still happen, but Gohan would be stronger than Vegeta and would have to Goku's fusion partner since Vegeta was dead. They would form Gokanu who would have a body ressembilling Gohans but when SS4 ressembiling Gogeta. Gokanu would kill all shenlongs easily and with Gohans brain would think to kill Ii Shenlong when he kill's Suu shenlong for the dragonball. Thereafter all shelongs would be dead and peace would be restored and Goku still alive. Wow all that happened just because Goku didn't want to fight first.

What if Yamcha Tein and Chautzu also participated in the fight with Frieza on Namek? By:Barfster001@aol.com
What if Yamcha Tein and Chautzu also participated in the fight with Frieza on Namek? First off they would all be in different places Piccolo would be close to Yamcha and after Piccolo absorbes Nail They would take off Tein would be near Gohan and Kurirun and Then Vegeta would go and get armor for everyone who was wished back. At this point Chautzu would be near The Eldest Namek and take off for Tien when he senced power. Then Frieza would show up and Vegeta would fight him with the help of Tien, so now frieza would have the $hit beaten out of him. So he would go to his second form and still lose to Tien. Now Piccolo and Yamcha would show up. They would nearly kill Frieza and he'd go to his 3rd form, but he was so weak he still isn't that strong so he poweres up to his 4th form. During this time Vegeta would Be shot by Kururin twice so he would be around Goku's strength but a little weaker. So No Goku shows up and together Vegeta and Goku beat up frieza so Frieza immediatly goes to 100 % power and nearly kills Goku. So he takes a senzu bean and is near SS power. So Frieza no nearly killes Vegeta and he's near SS power . But Friza runs to his ship and calls his dad. So after hours of but kicken King Kold Shows up and kills Dende and Kuruirn, and nearly kills Gohan Piccolo Tien and Yamcha then Chautsu Blows up barely hurting Kold now Gokus Pssed and goes SS. So now Vegeta is pissed sening Goku's new power and goes SS, now their powers are around the Android saga when fighting 19 & 20. So they easily kill everyone. Trunks shows up blah blah blah everyones killed tell the Buu saga when Goku and Vegeta go SS 3 and kill him before the mass genocide attack. Bebi dosen't really happen and Super 17 is a small challenge and because everyone isn't killed the Shenlong saga dosen't happen.

What if Trunks and Vegeta got out of the Room of time and spirit before cell absorbed 17 during the battle of Piccolo and 17? By:Barfster001@aol.com
Well Trunks would see Goku and ask him if anything happened so Goku would tell Trunks about 17 and Piccolo fighting. Vegeta would not listen and go of in a different direction but would take the offered senzu bean. Trunks would then get to the island where piccolo was fighting 17 and fight 18 and 16. Vegeta would cross the city with 1st form cell in it and begin fighting him with little trouble, after a few minutes he would let cell absorb some of his energy so he would be at half the strength of cell in his perfect form so the bttle would turn to cells favor because Vegeta was weakend. So cell would get Vegeta near death and then Vegeta would remember the senzu bean and take it and get stronger with his sayin biology. Now he would be a little stronger than in the cell games and would easily kill cell. Then he would notice the high energy levels of Trunks and go to the island of the fight. By this time trunks would have destoyed 16 and would now be fighting 17 and 18 because piccolo ran out of energy to fight. But cell was still alive and he went to the island and because he had sayin biology he was nearly at his 3rd form power and beat Trunks and absorbed 17 and 18 and now had the power of Super Perfect Cell so Vegeta came and also got badly beaten. Goku would show up and take everyone to the sky palace to get healed. So after the 10 days the cell game happens Gohan is able to alredy go SS2 and is equal to cell and goku killes cell by using the spirit bomb.

What if Goku never hit his head and lost his memories? By:Barfster001@aol.com
After reading that short reoprt by Mark Wilson heres what probably happened in greater contrast. Goku would continue to be violent and would be trained under his grandpa. so when he was 12 he would be strong enough and kill him. This is when Bulma shows up, so she tells him about the dragonballs and he agrees to be her bodyguard with the intention to grant his own wish. So later when Roshi showes up he waits for the magic carpet to be cleaned because he couldn't ride the nimbus. Then he kills Olong,Yamcha, and tries to kill Ox King but he's to strong so he looks for the fan and learns the kamehameha. Then lays waist to Pilaf and wishes for a person stronger than him so he could train and spar against him. So at this time Kururin is made stronger. So he takes training from Roshi at day, and secretly spars with Kururin at night so they're both stronger. But later he kills both Kururin and Roshi and wins the Tenkanichi Budokia. So then he hears about the Red Ribbon army and destroys all of it except Tao and Black the new leader so Goku seeks Karin out and gets the Holy Water in one day and steals the God water and he kills Tao and Black. Later while running around the world he kills Tein and Chauitzu and wins the 22nd world tournament. Then Diamo shows up and he kills him and his men and goes up to Kains and wants to train with Kami so he gets the bell and he goes up to the tower only to see Popo so he decieds to fight him and loses badly so Goku spends the next few years training with Popo tell he kills him to. This is when Raditz shows up and Goku leaves earth conquring planets. Until all the sayins are stron enough they kill the Ginyus and Friezas men. Then Frieza hears about Namek and heads there with the sayins and they kill all of them easily until Nail shows up. Goku is now at the strenght of his gravity training bu Nail is double his. Raditz and Nappa are about at Ginyus strenght and Vegeta is at the strenght of when he was healed after Recomme about 130,000. So Nail nearly kills them all and tells them to leave but they heal themselves and are much stronger. Goku is at 1,000,000 vegeta 950,000 Nappa and Raditz around 600,000 and they kill Nail and then turn on frieza killing him. So then at the hands of king kold they kill more planets and hear of the androids on earth whos strenght is tripled of what it was. So they leave and get to eath only to see Cell in his final form and releasing and ultimate kamehameha relesing Buu with a fully grown Piccolo at his side. So Goku Manages to kill piccolo and holds of the Cell only to see Karin be killed, this is enough to make him go super Sayin and he kills Buu along with the androids(he is now much sronger after all that conquring about his strenght in the super 17 saga) and he kills everyone on the planet with a choun kamehameha and destoying earth.

What if Pikkon was a Z fighter during DBZ? By:Barfster001@aol.com
When Radditz would arrive at earth he would sense 2 powers thinking it was Goku and possibly his son. But he would only find Piccolo and Pikkon. Piccolo would be around 500 since Pikkon helped him train and Pikkon would be around 550. So Radditz would be up for a fight after he explains who he is and the 2 would use thir major attacks, the special beam cannon and the super thunder flash. Their energy combined would do alot of damage to Radditz and it would make Goku come with Gohan because he was on his way to Roshis. So now Goku would put Gohan in a safe place and join in with an ultimate kamehameha. Now Radditz would be near death and runaway but also takes Gohan hostage while Pikkon would explain about Radditz so Goku gets some sensus and talks to Kururin and Roshi. Then Pik. and Pic. find Radditz and power up so Goku can find them. After takeing some senzus they would take of their weights and fight Radditz. But Goku gets the $hit beaten out of him and Gohan gets mad enough to attack Radditz. Then Piccolo and Pikkon fire their attaks killing Radditz and accidentaly killing Goku then Radditz tells them about Vegeta and Nappa. A year later They show up and the Sabimen attack Pikkon steps in and easily kills all of them. Now during the year Pik. Pic. and Gohan trained together so they're around Gokus power. Then they finish Nappa and Vegeta gets freaked out and wants to wait until Goku comes. So when he arrives he tells the humans to leave. Then Goku starts off with a 3x Kaioken nearly killing Vegeta and leaving him to Gohan whose at 7,500 nd Vegetas now at 9,500 but Vegeta makes a moon and only gets to 95,000 which Gokuy easily equals with a 3xkaioken and kamehameha. Then Gohan cuts off Vegetas tail and says
"Fine I'll go to Namek and get their Dragonballs."
and then leaves to get healed.
So they immediatly get Kamis spaceship to stop Vegeta. One month laterthe whole Z team gets to namek. During the month all of them trained so they are all around the time of Gohans Guru power up. When they arrive they came a day before Freeza and get the first 5 dragonballs and his them nameks, and all recieve power ups so they're around the power of when they fight 4th form Freeza and easily kill all of Freezas men when Freeza summons the Ginyus and his Dad. They arrive hours later to find 4th form Freeza nearly dead. At this time Piccolo and Nail would fuse to be around the power of piccolo during the 19 and 20 saga. Now wouldn't you know it Vegeta shows up (finaly). He and King kolds men face off. Vegeta wins and then procceds to kill most of the Ginyus, execpt Ginyu. He steals Gokus senzus and repeatly heals himself tell he's at the power of when kururin shots him and kills Ginyu. During this Freeza is killed and Pikkon, SS Goku, and SS Gohan fight Kold. They went SS because they believed Piccolo was dead, but everyone was just real tired and hid in the ship with the Nameks. Vegeta seeing a low class sayin and his half sayin son SS enrages him to go SS and he attacks, but Pikkon hold him off and. But king Kold is killed by a seak spirit bomb.Pikkon used his tondado attack to nearly kill Vegeta, and he admitts to join the Z fighters. When they come home a future Goten and Truks show up to warn Goku of a heats virus and and androids 16,17, and 18. So they train and when 19 and 20 show up Pikkon kills both very easily, and goes to stop Vegeta from freeing the others after Goten and Trunks show up. But Vegta gets there first and frees them all and fights 18 then Goku comes in and fights 16 and Trunks Goten and Gohan fight 17. After 16 defeats Goku he assits 17 with the 3 SS. Vegeta gets help from Pikkon and Piccolo and Defeats 18 with a Big Bang. After all the android run away because of a triple kamehameha from Goten, Gohan, and Kururin. Tein and Yamcha tail them and Goahn notices Goku looks sick and Goten says this his the hearts virus. So Kururuin takes him home. 10 days later Cell shows up and pikkon and piccolo investigate and are and even match for Cell. After Cell tells everything Vegeta shows up and gets into a huge fight with Cell destroying the deserted city. After Vegeta has his arm absorbed he runs away leaving Gohan to come in and battle Cell. Now Goku gets healed and goes off to help Gohan while Piccolo goes off to merge with Kami. After the merge his power is around his Cell game power and tries to find the androids. After a beaten Cell flees Goku decieds to use the Hyperbolic timechamber and Vegeta and Trunks go in first. After Piccolo finds the androids he fights 16 and 17 while Pikkon easily toys with 18. They are able to keep their power levels so low that a day passes and Goku and Gohan go in and Vegeta and Trunks seek Cell. But cell passes over the battle and assits 18 with Pikkon But after a Super Thunder Flash he "kills" Cell. Then Goten goes in the Hyperbolic time chamber and Goku and Gohan go to Kaious and learn the Instant transmission. After a day of that they teleport to the island and Goten shows up after Cell has absorbed both android and 16 helps fight final form cell, but Cell anounces the Cell games in 9 days so everyone goes back to kamis and trains some more. In the Cell games Goku kills cell with little difficulty and in the Boo saga all of Babidis men are killed and their is peace in the world.
P.S. I didin't include the GT because gokus never a kid so the don't give energy to bebi which stops the 17 saga and since the balls aren't used the Evil Shenlong saga dosen't happen.

What if Frieza had killed Gohan instead of Krillin ? - Submitted by Baron BEM
If Frieza had killed Gohan instead of Krillin after being hit by the Spirit Bomb Goku, Piccolo, and Krillin would be royally PO'ed. Krillin and Piccolo would attack Frieza in a rage and distract him long enough for Goku to go Super Saiyan. Goku would show no mercy and kill Frieza without hesitation. Gohan would be wished back with the Nameks. The entire team would go back to earth without any difficulty. King Cold would come to earth seeking revenge and be destroyed by Trunks and Goku. Because of Frieza's death Cell would be slightly weaker do to the fact that he doesn't have Frieza's cell. Goku would have King Kai send Dende to earth to create new Dragon Balls. The rest of the series would go on the same until Cell knocked out Tien. Because Goku doesn't know the Instant Transmission Tien would be killed but Goku would sneek to the island to get Piccolo. Cell would see him and a fight would commence. Cell would have more power than Goku and would slowly gain the advantage. Sensing that Goku was in danger and that he was the only person he could depend on Gohan would go Super Saiyan and fly to help Goku. Together Goku and Gohan would match up against Cell. Vegeta and Trunks would come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and go after Cell. Their arrival at the fight makes Cell realize he has no chance in winning so he would use the Solar Flare to blind them all so he can go after Android 18. Vegeta would like to fight Cell's perfect form so he would tell where she is hiding which would cause Trunks to fight Vegeta. Goku being experienced at power sensing would try to stop Cell. Having only a weakened Goku and Gohan to fight Cell would easily get hold of Android 18 and would go to his perfect form. After defeating Trunks and Vegeta Goku would fight Cell and tell Gohan to get away with Piccolo and train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku would self-destruct in an attempt to kill Cell but would fail. Gohan and Piccolo would train in the Chamber. Android 16 would lose his objective because Goku is dead and would self-destruct to kill Cell. Cell would regenerate and be even more powerful. Cell would absorb Vegeta and Trunks and several cities before Gohan would be done in the chamber. Piccolo and Gohan would fight Cell but Piccolo would be easily killed. Gohan would be mad enough about everyone's death to go SS2. In the final Kamehameha match Gohan would pull through with out any help because his arm wouldn't be injured. Gohan would use the Earth Dragon Balls to wish back everyone except Vegeta, Goku, and Tien. Using the second wish to get to Namek Gohan would wish back Vegeta, Piccolo, and Tien. Goku would stay in the Next Dimension so he could train and keep the world out of danger. Gohan would have Bulma pick him up in a spaceship to return home. Goku would see how valuble the Instant Transmission is and learn the Instant Transmission from King Kai and the rest of the series would progress the original way.

What if Gohan actually had given up against Cell?- Submitted by ChibiSonVegeta
Yet another series ender. Goku could never be revived and and the entire planet would explode. However, this would also kill Cell,so he was going to die whether Gohan fought him or not because the blast was too strong and Cell was too close to the planet. Then no one would be able to stop Buu when he came, and Babidi and Buu would rule the universe. Have a nice day ^_^

What if Frieza had attacked Goku first before killing Krilin? By:Cristóbal Cintas
Frieza would have killed Goku with ease, because he wasn't a Super Saiya-jin, and then killed Krilin, Gohan and Piccolo. After, he would have scaped from Namek and gone to the Earth to destroy the humans.

What if krillin had pushed the button By:CyndiDLee10
Android 16 would have jumped in and probability kick krillin butt bad, real bad. Cell probability would sense this and found android 18 on the ground and hurried over their and try to absorb android 18, but undoubtedly trunks would stop him, then vegeta would get him out of the way so he could absorb 18. Cell would become perfect and go to how the show actually goes.

What if Vegeta was granted imortality By:CyndiDLee10
He would not be near strong enough to defeat freeza. So after a wile of getting his butt kicked freeza would eveuntally tire down vegeta would heal and probaly become a super saiyajin and beat the hell out of freeza.

-NEW-What if Piccolo had remembered to use his new abilities from King Kai, namely the Kaio-Ken, when he fought Frieza? By:Danny Goldbeck
First off he would be able to beat up on Frieza really hard and not show mercy to him do to his anger about Frieza killing mostly everyone on his home planet. Piccolo would be more than a match for Frieza at even X2 although he'd probably go to X3 to be sure. At this point he could probably beat him so hard that Frieza couldn't even get the chance to transform again. Not showing mercy like Goku, Piccolo would kill off Frieza. After the battle, Piccolo would be on an ego-high. He would insist that Dende fuse w/ him. Dende, having no real use w/ Frieza dead would reluntantly agree. After the merging Piccolo's power level would rise way up. He'd probably be somewhere inbetween his level at the end of the Namek saga and the Android saga. Anyway they would all head back to the ship and just cruise back to Earth in Frieza's ship. They all might get to Yadfat and get the Instant Transmission and lots of training. After a while they would transport back to Earth. On Earth they would get back their friends and would restore the Namekians to Namek via the D-balls. At that time Vegeta would probably very close to or even at Super-Sayjin levels. (Along w/ Goku) Gohan would still have quite a bit of work to do but would be a lot more powerful than in the regular series, as would Krillin. The added training would probably put Piccolo at the same level as in the Android saga now. Trunks would come and tell them about the androids and would kill off Kold w/ some help since Kold would be pretty PO'd at all of the Z warriors for killing his son. They would train and even w/o Goku (heart virus) be able to beat 19 easily. 20 would awaken the other ones. Vegeta would be a much better match for 18 and if the Z fighters decided to interfere Piccolo could hold off 17 until the others helped Vegeta w/ 18. Then w/ all of them attacking at once the would put 17 out of commision. During the fight 16 would probably

What if Goku and Gohan went into the Hyperbolic chamber before Vegeta and Trunks? By:DashSpree6@aol.com
Goku and Gohan would come out and immeadiatly go to destroy Cell before he absorbed android 18. Goku would want to fight first and they'd lower down to the island. Cell would think that he would destroy Goku and Gohan easily, then become perfect. Goku would easily take the upper hand. Cell would realize he stood no chance and try to convince Goku to let him absorb android 18 like he did with Vegeta. Goku would not make the same mistake and would offer Cell a chance to live which Cell would refuse. Goku would then destroy Cell very easily. The androids would probably fly away and live peacefully. Goku would ask Krillin where tien and Piccilo were. Krillin would explain what happened because Goku wasn't there to revive them with sensu beans. Gohan and Goku would be very angry and would immeadiatly try to summon the dragon at Kami's place. They would both be revived. Vegeta would then come out and see Cell was destroyed. Vegeta would challenge Goku even though there was really no chance he could win. Trunks would try to stop him but Vegeta would refuse. Goku would say no and Vegeta would threaten to destroy Kami's place and the things on it. Goku, a little tired out from the cell battle would start beating the tar out of Vegeta and would tell him to give and Vegeta would refuse. To save his pride and hurt Goku mentally, Vegeta would go after Gohan who would start whipping Vegeta. Trunks would try to put a stop to this but Vegeta would tell him to get away. Trunks would say you are going to die and Vegeta would answer that he didn't care. Goku and Gohan would lay pity and tell Vegeta to go train, which he would. Trunks would then go back to the future and destroy Cell and the androids like what really happened. As a result of this, 18 would still be alie and would not marry Krillin, Gohan would not go to SSJ2, and Goku would still be alive.

What if Krillin killed Vegeta with Yagorobe's sword By:Dcsimpson1
Gohan and Krillin would have gone on planet namek and would probaly get killed by Dodoria. When Goku came he would of found Bulma and heard the news. He would go SSJ, find Frieza form 1 (not immortal) and would of killed frieza and the rest of the people. He would get back home with Bulma and would of revived Gohan, and Krillin. He would of got inturupted by Garlic Jr. and GJ would of went to the dead zone. Then he would revived piccillo. He would of Killed King Kold (no frieza bot). Would of revived tien, choutzu, and then Yamcha. Then Earth would be destroyed by 17 and 18 (because of Vegeta dead no trunks).

What if...Goku killed Dr. Gero when he fought the Red Ribbon Army buring Dragon Ball? By:Flexaboy11
Well first there would be no android/cell saga since there would be no Dr. Gero to create them. No one would become that strong, since they had no reason to train. Due to the lack of power, probabally no one would stand a chance against Buu, but if they did manage to get past him, they would have to deal with Bebi in GT. They maybe be able to beat him, because Bebi only feeds on others brains to become strong . If they manage to get past him. There would be no Super 17 saga since there are no androids. And because of this it might not lead to the Evil Shenron Saga, and every one would be OK. But rember no one would get past Buu, so it would all end there. Also no one would get higher then SSJ since they had no reason to train. Kuiriun would stay bald since #18 convinced him to grow hair(I think). And Marron would not be born since once again there is no #18! This just shows you how one casualty can completely mess around with the series.

-NEW-What if Goku didn't die in his fight with Raditz? By:Hal Pratt
Well since the sayains were coming he'd be training with piccolo since there power levels are equal at this time. When the sayins come goku probably would be around Nappa's strength. so the Z fighters would defeat the Saibamen. Then the Z fighters would take on Nappa and Win. then Vegeita would be next fighter since Goku as no where near his strength and he didn't know kaioken or the Genki Dama (sprit Bomb) they'd have a hard time unless Krillin could slice hi with a destructo Disk they could win. but probably not. But if they did there would b e no need to go to Namek unless Piccolo dies probably not also so the freiza\namek\trunks Saga would disappear and then when GJ comes the world would be under control Garlic Junior.

What if Trunks (in the future) thought of asking king kai to bring dende to earth after he defeated the android s? By:IcecoldJV
well, thats an easy one. Dende would make the dragon Balls and trunks would go get them and he could then wish for all people that were destroyed by the Androids to be alive again. That means Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Dr. Breifs, Chi-Chi, Puar, Master Roshi, etc. He could use the second wish to wish back Goku. Hello goku you are now back, these are new d-balls so he can wish whatever he wants from them. He could then wish for everything (buildings) destroyed by the droids to be back. Cell would be there and he would never be able to go to the past and get #17 and #18 because the Future Z warriors would have killed him sometime in there own time line. Trunks would have never come back to the Past. Our timeline that we know of would have never existed. and that is the end.

What if there was no such thing as Super saiyan? By:IcecoldJV
Akira Toriyama would think of some other way for Goku and the rest to defeat the villians. Maybe like all of them be able to withstand Kaio Kenx20. Or maybe just make them become really strong by training. Goku and vegeta would never have beaten Majin Buu, well actually yeah they would have. Buu would be weaker because he absorbed NON super saiyans because there is no such thing. Then Buu would be wide open for gettin his butt whipped.

What if Vegeta went SSJ2 when Trunks was killed? By:Justin Delle Donne
First, when Cell regenerates himself after self-destructing, he shots a laser blast at Trunks who dies. Vegeta feeling like he lose his son would feel the same rage that Goku felt when Krillin was killed by Frieza. He would become a SSJ2 and decide to take on Cell himself. After Fighting with Cell and probably beating him half to death he would than blast him with a massive Final Flash attack, and destroy Cell. Then after he defeated Cell, the D-balls would be used to revive all those killed by Cell. Now since there was peace on earth, Vegeta would continue to train with little Trunks to become stronger. When the next world Tournament came he would enter just as everyone else and when he faced Goku it would either be a tie or vegeta would comeout on top. Vegeta's strength would increase some much that he would go SSJ3 and so would Goku. When Buu came into the mix Vegeta and Goku would attack Buu either by themselves or by fusing together to become Vegetto.

-NEW-What if yamcha was trunks' father instead of vegeta? By:Kakarot675@aol.com
The Saiyan saga, Frieza, and Garlic Jr. would be the same. In his time line the androids would kill everyone except trunks, so he would try to fight the androids and lose. He would then leave back in time to warn them about the androids. The android saga would go normally, but in the cell saga when he comes back after he self-destructed at king kai's, he would kill trunks, but since he was not vegeta's son he would not go attack cell causing him to defeat gohan. All the other fighters would go fight cell and lose, 18 would do some damage to cell but not defeat him. He would know that all the fighters are gone and would probably blow up the earth, ending the series. .

What if the Dragonballs didn't exist By:Kid Mania22
There really wouldn't be any show because the idea of every villain is to get all the Dragonballs and wish for immortality. There would be cell and the androids because Dr. Gero wanted to destroy Goku not to get the Dragonballs but they wouldn't have met Vegeta and Trunks would be permanently dead. The real idea of the show is the Dragonballs not the villains because there would be no villains if there weren't for the dragonballs. But which came first the Dragonball or the villain because the villain comes for the Dragonball but the Dragonball Helps to get rid of the villain. You don't destroy what you create. hmmmmm?

What if Cell had first absrobed Andriod 18 instead of 17? By:Lord Grendel and Harliquin
In the aftermath of the battle between Cell and Android 16, Cell emerges from a crater and sucks up Android 18 as the others look in horror. After the magnificent transformation Cell comes out looking very different, because of 18's influence. He retains his thin, insect-like form, but now he possesses the white face and voice of perfect cell. Tien does his Tri-Beam technique, blasting Near-Perfect Cell into the ground, while 17 and 16 escape. Tien eventfully tires. Krillan returns with the deactivator, and finding his love, 18, absorbed and gone has no reason not to push the button, which he does. 17 and 16 fall lifeless. Now, Cell can't absorb them. Cell in a rage, crushes the life out of Krillen and Tien. Goku and Gohan can take no more. Risking everything, they attack, teleporting to the battlefield(by this time, Piccolo has died of his injures). After a lengthy battle, Gohan and Goku are easily killed along with the others. Cell yells out his rage to the world at the injustice fate has handed him. To satisfy his depression he goes back to absorbing whole cites and perhaps looking for Trunk's time machine. Meanwhile, Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Room of Sprit and Time. They track down Cell(by this time, his powerlevel has grown so much it is impossible to hide) and proceed to beat the crap of him. Vegeta is just mad because Cell killed Goku before he could and Trunks just hates android. Eventfully Cell decides he can't win and he ends it all with a self-destruct, destroying the Earth and ending the series.

What if Vegeta returned to Earth instead of going on to Nemek By:Lord Grendel and Harliquin
If he was told about Freeza going to Nemek, but didn't care, he would go back to Earth and with his increased power level would cause a lot of damage. Gohan, Bulma, and Krillan would have already left for Namek. Goku, healed by the Senzu Beans, would do battle with him again. At this point Vegeta has a power level of 24,000, while Goku's is around 15,000. Vegeta would obviously be more powerful, but Goku can increase his power using the Kaioken, so they would be about equal. They would fight for while and cause a lot of property damage. Vegeta would sometime try to blow up the planet and Goku would stop him again. Eventfully,after hours of fighting, both would be worn down and Goku would take a Sensu Bean to recover. Vegeta,realizing that he would lose eventfully, would call a truce, playing on Goku's respect for him and reminding him that he is a Sayian too. Vegeta would then tell Goku about the evil Freeza,who is even more evil than he is and Freeza is also the one who killed both their fathers and destroyed their home planet. After this Goku would want to fight him. Vegeta would tell him that accepting him as an ally to defeat Freeza is a good idea since he is also a Sayian. Together they would enter the Capsule Corp Spaceship and head to Namek. On the way there, the two would train together in 100 times Earth's gravity. The gravity controls would be cranked to the maximum setting because of Vegeta's pride and any complaints from Goku would be seen as weakness in Vegeta's eyes. This would lead to Vegeta suggesting they can become stronger if they spar against each other. Both would become more powerful,much more earlier than they would be normally in the regular time-line. Meanwhile on Namek, without the interference of Vegeta, Freeza would collect all but the Guru Dragon Ball. Things would occur normally except for Kuwi showing up and Vegeta slaughtering Dodroia and Zarbon. Dende, Gohan and Krillan would probably be able to escape with a combination of hiding their power levels and the villans' seeing them as unimportant. They would reach Guru's place,talk with him, meet Nails and go through with Guru awaking their hidden powers. Confident in their increased power and due to Guru's weakened state, they make a stand at Guru's place. Freeza, Zarbon, Dodoria and their minions would arrive at Guru's place and lay waste to it. Nails , Gohan and Krillan would be no match for them and be defeated, but they take a lot of minions out before they go down. Gohan would go full bore and destroy Dodoria. Zarbon would transform and defeat Gohan. While they are laying unconscious Freeza would just take the dragon ball from Guru and prepare to kill him. Guru would warn Freeza that the dragon balls would disappear if he does so. Freeza wouldn't risk it and take them all captive. Freeza , using his telekinetic power on them, would transport them back to the spaceship and put them in the rejuvenation tanks to prevent them from dying. Freeza would attempt to make his wish. Nothing happens of course. He demands an answer from Guru, who tells him it requires a password and Guru refuses to tell him it. Freeza puts Guru in dire straits by threatening to torture him and the others until the password is revealed. He laughs and imprisons them in the bowels of the ship. Freeza, finds out that Gohan is a Sayian and maybe even the last one, since there had been no news of Vegeta, he would assume he was killed on Earth. Freeza would offer him a position in his empire. Gohan would refuse. Freeza would laugh and tell him he will be tortured when they get back to Freeza'a home planet. Preparations are made to take off. But then the Capsule Spaceship crashes literally through the roof. Vegeta and Goku emerge both glowing with power. At this point Goku's power would be about equal to him after being healed from his fight with Captain Ginyu and Vegeta's would be about equal to when he was healed after Krillan's blast in the "real world". Zarbon challenges them, thinking them weak because their power levels are kept down(Note:Their more powerful because they were training at 100 G's from the very beginning and they had a partner to spar with). Unveiling their new power, Zarbon would be killed almost instantly. Freeza would take on both of them, transforming when he needed to.(Note:In this possibility, Freeza would have either no reason or no time to call the Ginyu for help, so they would not be used in this story, they still could be reserved as villains in future episodes) Meanwhile Dende, Gohan and Krillan would grab the dragon balls and wish Piccolo back to life. Boom, the dragon balls are restored back on Earth. Goku, while fighting Freeza, would telepathically refuse to allow Piccolo to come to Namek, thinking that he would only get in the way. So the next two wishes would be to restore the everyone slain by Freeza and his minions to life and take everyone on Namek except for Vegeta, Freeza and Goku, to someplace safer like Earth.(Note:Guru is kept in a rejuvenation tank, so he is prevented from dying) That done with, Freeza assumes final transformation and begins to play with both Vegeta and Goku. Goku and Vegeta both take the Senzu Beans they took along with them to keep up with Freeza, their power levels gradually increasing. Finally Vegeta and Freeza realize that everyone is gone and so are the dragon balls, depriving both villains of immortality. This drives Vegeta into a rage and he goes Super-Sayian much more earlier than in the series. He would than begin to kick the crap out of Freeza, and swears that Goku will be next. Freeza would then destroy Namek to win the fight. This would enrage Goku enough to go Super-Sayian as well. Vegeta, while very powerful would be worn down. Goku takes over while Vegeta searches for a means of getting off the planet. Freeza, beaten and bloody and driven insane by being beaten by two "stupid monkeys" would create two energy disks like in the original series. They would chase Goku around and would cut Freeza in half. Goku would give him a little power to make them able to escape. Meanwhile Vegeta would find the ship and with his training would be able to fly it. Right when Freeza is about to betray Goku by blasting him in the back, Vegeta swoons in and blasts Freeza into oblivion and finally has his revenge. He doesn't try to kill Goku because he wants a straight fight and they have to get away before the planet explodes. Goku gets on board and chastises Vegeta for doing that, like when Vegeta killed the fallen Ginyu Force in the series. They take off and end up on the alien world where they both learn the alien technique of "Instant Transmission". From then on things back on Earth occur normally. King Cold arrives on Earth to get revenge for the death of his son(who is dead). He may even bring along the Ginyu Force. Nails would join the Z fighters. Trunks would still arrive and defeat them. Goku and Vegeta would return after the fight and be told about the andriods and so forth. (Note: The only problem with this possibility would be focusing too much on Vegeta.)

What if Vegeta had killed #19 and #20 before #20 could awaken #17 and #18? By:Majin Gotenks
After defeating the androids, Vegeta would then become bent upon Goku healing so that the two of them could duel and would fly to Goku's house to make sure he heals. Trunks will arrive again from the future, but seeing no androids and being informed by the Z warriors that the androids were defeated (they don't know about #17 and #18) he will return to the future. When Cell arrives he will hunt about for #17 and #18 and Kami will sense him running amok, as will the Z warrior eventually. Since Piccolo does not realize the full power of Cell yet, he will not fuse with Kami. The Z warriors go to battle Cell. During their battle with Cell, the Z senshi would eventually discover his purpose and inform him triumphantly that the two androids were killed. Cell would be too shocked to battle and would fly off to Gero's lab to see if he could find the androids. Vegeta would think that Cell was ignoring him and fly after him, followed closely by the Z fighters. At the lab, Cell would discover #17 and #18 and activate theut #16 would step in and destroy him utterly and completely, then go after Goku. By this time, Goku would have probably healed and would be up and about, knowing nothing of the androids or Cell. #16 would soon arrive and face off against him and destroy him. #16 would then become a peace-loving android. Mr. Popo would teleport to New Namek and ask to use their Dragonballs. They will let him and he will wish for everyone killed by any creation of Dr. Gero to be revived and all the people killed will be revived. There won't be that much difference in the Buu Saga, except for no Marron, and Piccolo being weaker against Buu, having not fused with Kami. The Bebi Saga will be the same as always, but there would be no Super #17 saga, #17 having been killed while inside of Cell. This would also cause them not to have to use the Dragonballs again, but if they ever were to, the Evil-Shenlong saga would then take place.

What if the Z-Fighters had Gokou's Heart Medicine on hand when they began their battle with Androids No. 19 and 20?-Submitted by Majin Vader
If Gokou had the heart medicine on hand during the battle with Android No. 19, he would not have had to leave the battlefield, and could keep on fighting. His Saiyajin physiology would probably allow him to get stronger because of being healed from the terrible disease (he might possibly need a Senzu Bean as well, however). After being fully healed Gokou would then be able to destroy Android No. 19 as well as Android No. 20. Eventually, Vegeta would arrive, and wonder what the hell had happened. The Z Fighters would explain that Gokou had defeated the Androids all by himself. Vegeta would then go Super Saiyajin, and decide that now he would be able to get his rematch. The two Super Saiyajin would be very evenly matched, and begin their duel (in the manga, it says that Vegeta was stronger than Gokou, but after being healed with a Senzu Bean, Gokou would probably be about equal to Vegeta).Suddenly, Trunks would return from the future, and try to stop Gokou and Vegeta's fight, and explain that they had destroyed the wrong Androids. The Z Fighters would then work on trying to find these Androids, but would have no luck in doing so. Eventually, the Z Fighters would find out about the sighting of the second Time Machine. Gokou, Gohan, Trunks, and Bulma would probably go check it out, and find the egg shells of Cell. Meanwhile, they would find out about some sort of monster attacking the cities and killing the people. Vegeta would be the first to go, still itching for a fight, and would be easily defeated by the incredibly strong Cell. Piccolo would realize that there was no way any of them could ever defeat the Monster, unless he were to fuse with Kami, and so he would head off to Kami's Lookout. Kami, sensing that this Cell was way too strong, he'd realize that he'd have to fuse with Piccolo. Gokou would go and try to save the battered Vegeta, and they would realize that there was currently nothing that they could do to stop Cell, until the New Piccolo: Super Namek-Seijin, would return and fight. Eventually, Piccolo would return from the fusion, and do battle against Cell. Piccolo would probably still pretend to let himself get absorbed so that Cell would talk. Cell would probably blab about absorbing Androids No. 17 and 18. Piccolo, having the info needed, would start to dominate Cell again in battle. Cell would be too weak to beat Piccolo, and would use a Taiyoken to escape and try to absorb more people. With his incredible ability to hide his ki, Cell would evade the Z Fighters repeatedly, and with his incredible quickness, he would go from city to city without anyone ever stopping him. Gokou would heal Vegeta, and Vegeta would become determined to get strong enough to beat Cell. Gokou would tell him about the Room of Spirit and Time, and would let Vegeta and Trunks enter the Room. Piccolo would eventually meet up with Gokou again, and explain Cell's plans to absorb No. 17 and No. 18. Hopefully, this would lead them to the Androids' locations. Meanwhile, Cell would go to Dr. Gero's Laboratory, and awaken Androids No. 17 and 18. Cell, thinking that now he would be able to absorb the Androids, become Perfect, and have nothing to fear, would no longer hide his ki. Gokou, with his unique sensing abilities, would realize that Cell had stopped moving for some reason, and teleport to that location, to find Cell attacking the Androids. Gokou would then teleport No. 17 and 18 away from Cell, probably to Kami's Lookout. Angered, Cell would continue to ravage the towns, absorbing more and more people. After rescuing the Androids, the two of them would probably wonder what the hell was going on. Gokou would explain everything about the arrival of Android No. 19 and 20, and his defeating them. Thankful that Gokou had defeated Dr. Gero, the Androids would not go through with trying to kill him. Gokou would then explain the situation with Cell. The Androids would then remember seeing Android No. 16 in a large capsule back at the lab, and that it would probably be helpful. The Androids would take Gokou back to the lab, and they would awaken Android No. 16, and ask them to help fight Cell. Android No. 16, being the pacifist that he is, would refuse to fight Cell without more information about him, and how he was so evil. Now, Vegeta and Trunks would leave the Room of Spirit and Time, with each of them having reached Ultra Super Saiyajin (USSJ). (In the regular timeline, the two of them would have gone directly to fight Cell, but at that time, Cell was Second Form Cell, and in the middle of trying to absorb No. 18. However, in this timeline, thanks to Gokou's efforts, he would still be in his First Form, and traveling from town to town absorbing normal people.) In the regular timeline, Gokou and Gohan would have been the next to enter the Room of Spirit and Time, but here, Gokou would realize that if he left Vegeta, Trunks, and the Androids alone together, all hell would break loose. Gokou would decide to send Android No. 18 in with Gohan, so that Gohan would get stronger, and become the strongest Super Saiyajin. Gokou would probably realize that USSJ would leave someone a bit too slow to fight, and would think that Gohan would have what it took to truly excel beyond Super Saiyajin. Eventually, Cell would absorb so many people, that his ki wouldn't be so easy to hide anymore. Piccolo, after training by himself, would sense this, and so, try to attack Cell again. This time, however, Cell would be too strong for Piccolo, and things would not look good for the Super Namek-Seijin. Now, No. 18 and Gohan would leave the Room of Spirit and Time, and Gohan would be a Super Saiyajin. Sensing that Piccolo was in trouble, he would head off to help fight Cell. Gokou would not stop him, because he would know that Gohan would have what it takes, and sense that Gohan was no ordinary Super Saiyajin. Gokou would then enter the Room of Spirit and Time with Android No. 17, but not before telling No. 18 to stay away from Cell for the moment. Trunks would then head off to fight Cell, but Vegeta would stop him and say that he wanted to wait until Cell became a real challenge. Gohan would arrive on the scene and help Piccolo take down Cell. The two of them would probably defeat Cell, and Cell would ask how Gohan had become so strong in such a short amount of time. Gohan, feeling overconfident, would explain the Room of Spirit and Time to Cell, who would then escape and fly towards the Room of Spirit and Time. Piccolo and Gohan would then try to fly after him. Cell would arrive at the Room of Spirit and Time, and set his sights on Android No. 18, and begin to try and absorb her. Then, Trunks would go USSJ and start to beat the crap out of Cell. Cell would then escape again, but instead of flying to a city to try and absorb people, Cell would think about his current location, and fly down to Karin Tower and steal some Senzu Beans to cure himself, rather than just regenerating. With his Saiyajin DNA, Cell might even become stronger, and then would regenerate! (I would imagine that when Cell regenerates itself, it probably doesn't become stronger because that regeneration comes from Namek-Seijin DNA. However, if it regenerates from an outside source like Senzu, the Saiyajin cells would be in effect in this case.) A now stronger Cell would then continue to fight Trunks, and last longer with his constant, repeated replenishment using Senzu Beans, getting stronger and stronger. Vegeta would not bother to step in because he would want to wait until Cell was as strong as possible. And USSJ Trunks would not let loose his full power on Cell because it would destroy Earth. Furthermore, Cell would be fighting with everything he had, and USSJ Trunks would be distracted by constantly having to stop Cell from destroying their battlefield. Finally, Gokou and Android No. 17 would leave the Room of Spirit and Time. Gokou would teleport the Androids to Kame House, and then return to face Cell. Gokou would offer to go one on one with Cell, and, being better at keeping his ki under control than Trunks, would use regular SSJ to fight Cell. Gokou would have Cell on the ropes, and Cell would realize that there was no where to run. Gokou had told Trunks and Vegeta to make sure Cell didn't escape. Cell would realize that Gokou wasn't using his full power, and remember Gokou's naivete that was in his own cells. Cell would play the sympathy card, and try to beg Gokou for forgiveness. Gokou would make Cell promise to never again absorb anyone. Vegeta, enraged by Gokou's seemingly infinite generosity, would attack Gokou and Cell as a USSJ, letting loose all his power, hardly thinking about preserving Earth. Between keeping Cell from getting killed, and keeping Earth safe, Gokou, Trunks, and Cell would have their hands full. To try to keep Cell from getting killed, Gokou would ask Android No. 16 to escort Cell away from there, but not to take him to Kame House, as it was uncertain if he could be trusted or not. Cell might then try to absorb No. 16 and fail, and No. 16 would realize Cell's true intentions, and begin to beat the crap out of him. Eventually, Vegeta, Gokou, and Trunks would arrive, and Gokou would see that Cell really is evil. Enraged, Gokou would tell 16 to stand down while he got vengeance. Cell would use his remaining Senzu Beans to cure himself and regenerate again, and become stronger, but not enough to defeat Gokou. Gokou might even go USSJ to kill Cell out of sheer rage (like he did against Freeza), thus ending the Android/Cell Saga, without any of the Androids having to get absorbed, Gokou having to die, or Gohan having to go SSJ 2. This is just one possible chain of events that could have occured during the Cell Saga, and I'm sure there could have been plenty other things to happen. This is just my idea. ^_^

What if Kurilin, Gohan, and Bulma had waited for Gokou to heal before they left for Namek?-Submitted by Majin Vader
Gokou would have gone with them, and after getting past the people of the Mirror Spaceship and the Fake Namek, they would arrive on Namek. Gokou would have gone to investigate the power levels of Frieza and etc. with Kurilin and Gohan. If Gohan were to try and save Dende from Dodoria, they would not be chased far, because Gokou would step in. (By the way, I would imagine that after being healed with a Senzu bean, Gokou's Saiyajin physiology would allow him to get a lot stronger). After being stronger, he would probably able to go to Kaiouhken Levels like Kaiouhken x 5 a lot easier, so he would defeat Dodoria, and get stronger. The scouters would probably sense that there is a Saiyajin higher than Vegeta's. Vegeta, who is also on Namek, would probably go to face Gokou, and with his sensing ability, which still needs to be refined, he would fight Gokou not knowing what he was getting into. Eventually, Zarbon would go check things out, and would probably transform early. Gokou and Vegeta would have to stop their fight and team up, and they'd defeat Zarbon. The two Saiyajin would probably end up on good terms long before the arrival of the Ginyu Force, which would probably be summoned a lot earlier. If they're summoned earlier, then that's when Frieza has less Dragonballs, like only five. Gokou, Vegeta, Gohan, and Kurilin would split up into two teams to find the last two Dragonballs. (By the way, Dende would probably still be with them). Dende would take them to see Guru, they'd get the Dragonballs, and they'd BOTH get their sleeping powers awakened). Meanwhile, Gokou and Vegeta would get the Dragonballs from the Namek Village that Vegeta destroyed in the regular timeline. With Gokou there, Vegeta couldn't kill anyone without having to go up against Gokou. They'd get the Dragonball, thanks to Gokou's true honor, and later meet up with Gohan and Kurilin. (Gokou would probably take the tests that Frieza mentioned) They might send Vegeta on a mission to see what Frieza and the others were up to so they could make sure he wasn't killing more Nameks. (the reason they'd send Vegeta was they'd say that Vegeta was the only one strong enough to do it safely [lies, all lies]) They'd also send Vegeta so that Kurilin and Gohan could tell Gokou about getting his hidden powers released from Guru without having to let Vegeta know. While Vegeta was spying on Frieza, he'd probably find out about how the Ginyu Force was being summoned, and go warn the others. He'd then suggest that Gokou, Gohan, and himself start to spar, so that their Saiyajin make-ups would allow them to get stronger. Gokou would hide most of his power level, so that Vegeta wouldn't know about how he had gotten a power-up. But he would keep his power level high enough to challenge Vegeta, so Vegeta would get strong enough for the Ginyu Force When the Ginyu Force arrives, everyone would probably have the same power levels as they did in the reegular timeline. But with Gokou present, the Ginyu Force would have to worry about Gokou, too. First, they'd steal the Dragonballs from the Z Fighters, and Ginyu would take them back to Frieza. Sensing Gokou's possible true power, Ginyu tells Guldo to use his special abilities to hold Gokou and Vegeta in place so that they couldn't help Kurilin and Gohan. When Guldo uses the Body Freeze on Gohan and Kurilin, however, Gokou gets p.o.'ed and lets loose his full power level, which is too high for Guldo to hold him in place. Now, Guldo would be dead, and Recoome, Burter, and Jeice decide that they all have to take out Gokou together. Gokou would probably be able to take them all out. Vegeta would probably kill off Burter and Recoome, and Jeice might run away. This would probably be the place where DBZ would have the same storyline as in the timeline we know. The What If...? was basically there to make everyone realize that you dont have to wait for Gokou to have an exciting DBZ Saga! Gokou can be already there!!!!!

What if Goku had not have hitten his head when being held by Grandpa Gohan By:Mark Wilson

He would continue to be fierce and destructive, resulting him to find a way to escape from Grandpa Gohan, and finding a place to train, then Raditz would come to make sure his little brother had done his job. They would then team up and train some more, then destroying Earth, later with the help of Vegeta and Nappa, not knowing about the Dragonballs they would have nothing to do but maybe work for Freeza conquering planets. Freeza then getting afraid of the Saiyjins, from getting too strong. Would either kill them and then that would mean the end of Dragonball or DBZ, and no DB-GT. If they escaped however, Raditz, Goku, Nappa, and Vegeta would find a good place for training and would learn more techniques.

What if Kami hadn't fused with Piccolo in the Android Saga? By:Mason Palamara
Piccolo would ignore Kami's warning not to go fight Cell and probably get absorbed. Trunks and Krillin would arrive too late and Cell would get away to hunt 17 and 18. Goku would then get better and take Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to the Hyperbolic Chamber. Cell would continue absorbing and Trunks and Vegeta would get out to look for him and/or the androids. Cell would eventually track down the androids,but eventually would be a few days so Gohan and Goku would emerge and join the hunt. An interesting showdown would take place between the four androids and the four saiyans. Android 16 would reconize Goku and attack him. Vegeta would want revenge against Android 18 and attack her. Gohan would sense Piccolo in Cell and go beserck shooting his power up sky-high. Trunks would then be left with 17 and kill him with one blast. Vegeta would drag his fight out making revenge taste sweeter for him but would kill 18. Despite being a lower power,16 would use his knowledge of Goku's attacks to avoid the inevitable. Trunks would distract 16 and Goku would finally deactivate him permanently. Gohan would give Cell a thourough @$$-kicking and blow him up. It really is weird how one little change of events could completely change everything.

What if the Z fighters knew about the fusion dance? By:Matt D
What if the Z fighters knew about the fusion dance during the Saiya-jin Saga? Not much would be affected early on. No one could fuse in the Raditz fight, since you have to be of the same race, height ect to fuse. In the Vegeta/Nappa fight, Yamcha and Tien could have fused, and have taken out the Saibamen and Nappa, but would still be nothing against Vegeta. In the Namek saga, Vegeta and Goku possibly could have fused, and given Frieza a match. If Gogeta could have shown pity for Krillin's death, he could have turned SSJ and have destroyed Frieza, like it was nothing. In the Cell Games, Trunks/Vegeta/Goku could have fused to most likely defeat Cell. Fusion is learned about in the Buu saga anyways, so nothing much would be affected.

What if Captain Ginyu had been able to change into Vegeta? - Submitted by Roy Varney
Well Gohan and Krillin would of have to start fighting and at first they'd have the upper hand but Capt. Ginyu would slowly begin to get the upper hand. Mean while Vegeta would take goku and put him in the rejuvinantion chamber. {Since Goku was in a Sayain body and Vegeta thought Goku was a Super Sayian} Any way Vegeta would go outside and begin to fight along side Gohan and Krillin but Ginyu would have begun to have been able to control his new body. While Vegeta had not been able to control his body as much because he had not been fighting as much in his new body. The fight would progress and Capt. Ginyu would easily knock out Vegeta. He'd then knock out Krillin this would really pis Gohan off and he'd go all out nearly killing Capt. Ginyu. Capt. Ginyu would then try to change bodies but Gohan would have caught on by now and flew behind Capt. Ginyu. Gohan would then force Capt. Ginyu to change into his orginal body.Vegeta would then kill Capt. Ginyu. By now Dende would have just arrived and would heal Krillin and Gohan but not Vegeta. Then they'd go to the dragonballs and Dende would play dumb as if he'd forgotten the code. Vegeta would send Dende to get the code while he'd take a nap. Together Krillin, Dende, and Gohan would make the same wishes. Vegeta would wake up and Freeza would arrive. Vegeta wouldn't be so airheaded this time and wouldn't tell Freeza to go into his 2nd form. {This would change the series alot!} Krillin would have been knock down into the sea. Gohan would get really angry and do the same thing he did in regular DBZ but this time Freeza would have really really been down for the count. Freeza would then go into his 2nd form Krillin would be up again and start to fight. Together Vegeta Gohan and Krillin would beat up on Freeza. When Freeza finally nearly kills Vegeta. {This would set them back because even though Vegeta wasn't at full power he did help} Freeza would then go after Gohan still being angry at him. Krillin would stall again in the same way he did in normal DBZ accept this time he'd be able to stall longer because this time in 1st stage Freeza had gotten Gohan's anger attacks instead of his 2nd form by the time Krillin got back Gohan would be healed. Now Piccolo would arrive and beat up Freeza alot. Freeza would go 3rd fom and Piccolo gets beat up. Gohan gets angry and this time his attack would hit Freeza. {Because this time he'd been healed alot more} Any way Freeza would go final form, kill dende, and this time time when Vegeta fights he's stronger because he'd gotten hurt more this time aruond. So Goku shows up earlier but not but much from normal DBZ.. So this time Vegeta lives because he's stronger and Goku arrived earlier any way Vegeta is taken to taken away to the rejuvination chamber by Gohan. The fight goes the same until Goku makes a spirit bomb and he'd have more time to stall because Vegeta is there the rest of the series goes the same....

What if Piccolo hadn't been such a blabber-mouth and not mentioned the Dragon Balls to Raditsu?- Submitted by Saiyan141
The entire Vegeta/Nappa and Freezer Sagas would disappear, the Androids would later kill everyone, since they didn't have any need to train, and nobody would ever become a Super Saiya-jin!!!

What if Cell could absorb Android #16? By:Slade the Dude with tude
Cell woulnd destroy 16 in the cell Games hes absorb him and then Gohan would go SSJ2 over 16 being absorbed.As for Cell hed become Super Perfect Cell and his form would change and he would be like 20 times stronger than he was before.Then seeing Gohans power was no match for his power he would destroy the Earth seeing he no equal.Goku would then try to stop him going SSJ3 which would have no effect what so ever and the everything the Z Warriors did to stop Cell would help at all and Cell would destroy the Earth with a giant Kamahame Wave and disapear into space looking for planets to destoy and what ever life was out there.Cell would be the only person in the Universe Alive and sooner or later he get lonly and destroy himself cause there was no one to fight and no one left to destroy.

What if Goku and Gohan went in the hyperbolic time chamber twice in the Cell saga? By:Spoilded@aol.com
Goku would probably acheive Super Saiyain 2.When battling Cell Goku would go SS2 and whoop Cell's butt. Goku would get tired and Cell would blow up the ring.Cell would Kill 16 and Krillin maybe causing Gohan and Goku to go SS3.Goku and Gohan would simply blast and Kill Cell.Buu would be killed by goku and Gohan. Eventally They would discover SS5 and SS4 and SS6 and be the most powerful fighters that ever existed.Vegeta would always be one step behind and The Majin Vegeta saga would end rather quickly.

What if Cell had to absorb Andriod 16-20 to become complete? By:Spoilded@aol.com
Cell would go into the past ,battle Piccolo and learn 19 and 20 were killed. Trunks would arive with the others so Cell would use solar flare find Trunk's time machine and go a little earlier.Cell would arrive just when Vegeta went super saiyain.Cell would tell everyone about him and 20 would willingly be absorbed.19 being loyal to Dr.Gero would be next.Gohan would try to stop Cell from absorbing 19.19 would fly off to awaken 17,18,and 16.Gohan wolud lose and 19 would wake up the andriods.17 would convince 19 too forget about Dr.Gero and hang out with 17,18, and 16.19 would join them.Cell would be looking for them while the Z-warriors fight 17,18 and 19.Krillin would try to make them stop but they wouldn't.19 would ask if he could absorb some of 17's ki so he could be as powerful s 16(17 and 18 didn't know how strong 16 was)so 19 would now be super strong.They would stael the car and have those road adventtures when looking for Goku.Piccolo would fuse with Kami and Vegeta and Trunks would go in the hyperbolic time chamber. Cell would arrive when Piccolo and 17 are fighting.17 and 16 would be absorbed.19 would try but also get absorbed.Then 18.It would pretty much be the same Dbz from there.Except now 19 will be a Z-fighter helping out against Buu.

-NEW-What if Mr. PoPo discovered the truth about the Dark Star Dragonballs before GT Possible Consequence 1? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
Goku would destroy them before a wish could be made. 9 months later, Bebi would come to Earth and possess everyone ending the series

-NEW-What if Gohan had listened to Goku and killed Cell when he told him to? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
Gohan would be the winner of the Cell Games. He would become known as the person who saved earth from Cell. The whole Other World Tournament saga would not take place because Goku and King Kai would still be alive. Krillin would eventually marry 18 and have a daughter named Marron. Goku would eat a senzu bean to restore his power and would have the ability to go Super Saiyan 2. Goku would be alive to see Goten born. Chi Chi wouldn't let Gohan or Goten ever stop studying because her attitude about that would not change because Goku hadn't died. Goku would train and find a way to go Super Saiyan 3. The rest of DBZ would turn out the same.

-NEW-What If Goku didn't know Instant Transmission? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
First of all, Goku would not be able to bring Dende to Earth. There would be no dragonballs on Earth, so no one Cell killed could be brought back. The Cell Games would still be the same except for the fact that Goku wouldn't be able to teleport Cell to King Kai's planet once Cell blew himself up. He would explode and take the Earth and everything on it with him. Cell would regenerate himself and conquer every planet in the universe.

-NEW-What if Krillin had married Marron? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
Marron would want to go everywhere Krillin would go. She would annoy the heck out of Chi Chi and Bulma. She would want to learn how to fly. Krillin would teach her. She wouldn't want Krillin to train for three years to battle the Androids, but he would tell her she could train with him. She would allow him to train. By the end of the three years, Krillin would be a dad. The battle with 19 and 20 would still be the same except for Marron being there and annoying 20. The battle with 17 and 18 would be the same except for the fact that Krillin wouldn't get kissed by 18. The whole Imperfect to Near-Perfect Cell thing would be the same except for the fact that Krillin would have no problem whatsoever pushing the button Bulma created to shut down 18. Krillin would blast her into smithereens before 16 could find out where he was as soon as he deactivated her. Cell would now be stuck in his Near-Perfect form. Vegeta or Trunks (Most likely Trunks) would kill cell. Trunks would return to his time and kill the Androids and Cell there. Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo would all train over the next seven years, but first Dende would be brought to Earth to be the new Guardian. Gohan would figure out a way to release his hidden power and then go Super Saiyan 2. Goku would make it to Super Saiyan 2 and 3. The whole Other World Tournament Saga wouldn't exist. The rest of the series would be the same.

-NEW-What if there was no Bulma? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
Goku would have never started his search for the dragonballs. Shao and Mai would come for the four-star dragonball. Goku would defeat them and take their dragonballs. Goku would lose to Yamcha in the desert because there would be no Bulma to scare him away. Yamcha would steal his dragonballs and stay evil. Goku would eventually meet Master Roshi and train under him with Krillin. The rest of Dragonball would pretty much stay the same. In Dragonball Z, Goku would die from the heart virus because Trunks would never come to give him the cure because Bulma would never create the time machine or give birth to Trunks because she wouldn't exist.

-NEW-What if Gohan didn't exist? -Submitted by Strwar4me@aol.com
Goku would still go to Master Roshi's to see his friends. Raditz would come and tell Goku to come with him. Goku would refuse, and Raditz would kidnap Krillin or Bulma. Piccolo would come and team-up with Goku. Goku and Piccolo would do ok for a while, but Raditz would eventually kill them because there would be no Gohan to head-butt Raditz and make his power level to go down. Raditz would then blow up the Earth

What if Yajirobe didn't cut off Vegita's tail when he was Oozaru?-Submitted by The Dawg
Vegita would have killed Gokou, which would have left Gohan and Kuririn to do the fighting, because Yajirobe obviously wouldn't want to get injured. Unless Kuririn managed to cut off Vegita's tail, they would have been killed quite easily under Vegita's heavy power.

What if when training for the fight with the androids, Goku and Gohan used the room of spirit and time?-Submitted by Trevor Martell
Well, because Goku + Gohon(GG) did'nt know how strong the Androids are, they would probably train twice.
On the first round of training, they would probably train like they did in the normal Cell saga- Gohon would go SS-J+ each would be very strong... BUT because it is the first round of training(meaning they didn't have a normal android training round first, instesd of just training in the room of spirit and time) They would'nt be as strong as they would be when they came out of the room the normal way. And because of the Vegeta out training, The guys would go back in. After 2 days or years, they would relax. But because Goku was a SS-J naturaly, he would probably get the virus the second he left for the battle. So that would make Gohon the man.So it would play along right, but instead of Gohon getting yajarobie(don't know how to spell it) probably krillin would. When Yamcha got hurt, Tien would take him to Bulma and Trunks. At the island gohn would beat 19 and beat 20. Vegeta would come and wonder what happend, Gohon would say he was a SS-J and beat 19 & 20. Vegeta would transform trying to impress gohon, but Gohon would stay cool. trunks would meet up with him and they would go home. But while talking,Cell would surface. gohon would sence it and leave. He would find Cell and beat the @$#@ out of him. Meanwhile, Goku would awaken. Vegeta would ask how he got so strong? Goku would tell and Vegeta and Trunks would fly off. Goku would train. Meanwhile Gohn, like his Dad would let Cell go. Cell would go to Gero's Lab and Adzorb 17, I guess. Gohon would sence the transformation and go back. Cell would ammedietly adzorb 18. And would be Perfectooo!!!!! Gohon would arive and he and Cell would fight. Cell would beat Gohon, but bearly. Everything would be learned. The games would be anounced. Gohon would tell about the games and him and Goku Would train until they learned to stay at MAX power without powering up. And when they DO power up, they would go SS-J 2. in the games, Goku would face cell and go SS-J 2. Goku would keep on beating Cell up until the 2 would KAMAHAMEHA battle. Goku would Fry cell. And so Goku and and Gohon would train, have fun. And by the time the Buu saga comes by, one of the 2 would be able 2 go SS-J 3

What if Majin Boo had more good than bad in him By:VegetaSsj42k

What if Majin Boo had more good than bad in him (Fat Form) then when he split in two Good Boo would be stronger than Evil Boo and Evil Boo probably couldn't have blown away the candy attack and then Good Boo would just eaten the chocolate bar and then he would still be good,because when Evil Boo eats Good Boo he becomes Super Boo who is still evil and no more good, so the Z warriors would have another member.Also there would be no Oob which goes in to Dbgt (DragonBall Grand Tour) which is a whole other story.

What if Cell didn't go back in time? By:Vincy-K
In my opinion, almost nothing in dbz would have happened because Cell arrived so early in dbz that the timeline changed completely. Maybe there shouldn't have been the journey to namek, the frieza fight, and majin-buu if Cell didn't arrived. however i think the androids 13-15 and 19-20 would have existed because Dr. Gero was working on them before dbz started.

What if Kaio-sama would have thought Goku the Instantaneous movement when Goku first trained with him? By:Vincy-K
I've been thinking this thoroughly. First, in the saiyajin saga, piccolo wouldn't die because goku would have teleported to earth in an instant without Kami-sama's help. Second, learning that technique requires you to train a lot, so goku would have been more than a match for the two saiyans, even Oozaru Vegeta. I think Tien, Chaos and Yamcha's fate couldn't change because Goku had not been revived at the moment they were killed. Maybe in the fight, Goku forgives Vegeta and tell him to train more, after beating the $%!!!!* out of him. Maybe then would they revive Yamcha, then learn about the original dragonballs on Namek and Piccolo, Yamcha, Gohan, Goku, Krillin and Bulma would all head to Namek in an instant thanks to Goku's technique. The Z fighters would easilly kicked Frieza's junkies asses. Get all the dragonballs, kill all the members of the Ginyu Force, then Piccolo would probably fuse with a couple of the Fighter-type of Nameks {including Nail who will be in perfect condition and not trashed out like in the series}, after that, Vegeta would arrive at Namek with the same power-level as in the series, but more obsessed with fighting goku. He would then notice Piccolo and Goku's power and become so enraged that he would take a shot at goku, even at such low power level, only to get trashed again to the point that he would be almost dead. Then Goku would give him a hermit seed and Vegeta's power tripled. Vegeta would then say that no matter how strong he gets, he's never able to destroy kakarotto. Then after all that, they get their three wishes and wish Chaos and Tien back (they learned the kaio-ken very quickly}, and then Goku would tell dende to make Vegeta as powerful as him so they can fight evenly. At this point, Goku has the same power as in Super Saiyan but he's not a S.S yet. Then Goku and Vegeta travel to another planet where there's no people so they can fight and Goku didn't had to worry about other people getting hurt { there Goku tells Vegeta that He has a new power that he wants to show him and then turns SSJ, Vegeta would then fight Goku with such rage that he'd too turned SSJ}. The Garlic Jr. saga would all be as the original, except Piccolo would be more than a match for Garlic and his possy.Everyting else would go as normal except for some slight changes in the trama, for example Goku and Vegeta would become very close friend after the fight.

What if the fusion dance did not exist?
Nothing much would happen, actually. In Movie 12, however, Gokou and Vegita wouldn't be able to defeat Janemba. However, it wouldn't affect the actual series because the only people to use the fusion dance were Goten and Trunks, and they didn't do much with it. However, Buu probably wouldn't have absorbed Goten and Trunks individually and wouldn't become stronger, so Gohan would most likely be able to stop him rather quickly.

What if Kami never split with Piccolo but became gaurdian of Earth? Submitted by:Spoilded@aol.com
Krillin and Chaotzuwould not die.Goku would have never battled Piccolo and Goku would die from Raditz.Gohan would get mad and kill Raditz.They'd train to fight the sayians.Gohan would be trained by Roshi. would train Gohan so Gohan learned Kamehameha sooner.Krillin,Gohan and the other fighters would battle the Saiyains.The saibemen would be killed by Krillin.Then Nappa would kill Tein,Chaotzu,and Yamcha.Goku would come and it would be like it was the regular saeson.Goku trained under King kai.They'd go off looking for Dragon balls.When it was wish time Tein would probably be wshed back.Tein would replace Piccolo against Freiza.It would pretty much be the same.After Trunks came Krillin would probablt train with Goku and Gohan.When battleing 20 Vegeta would probably not let enyone but himself battle 20.Tein would fight Cell instead of Piccolo.They'll have all of the hyperbolic time chamber stuff.They'd build that remote.Cell would come when Tein the one who is replacing Piccolo is battleing 17.Tein and 17 would get beat up.16 would fight Cell.In the Cell battle Cell would have no regeneration Cell's so 16 would probably kill him.Not much would change in the Buu saga.

What if Bulma never existed? Submitted by:Tikiman707@aol.com
Goku would never know anything about the dragonballs. He would stay weak since he would never meet Master Roshi. Raditz would come and kill Goku on the spot for not finishing his duty. Raditz would then kill all the Z fighters. Later on, Master Roshi may use his Mafubo Jar techinique encasing Raditz in a jar forever but he gets killed in the process. Pilaf in the meantime would collect the dragonballs to rule the world. Freeza would never know about the dragonballs along with Vegeta, Nappa, etc. Dr. Gero may bring out the androids to destroy the world. Buu would be later released and kill the androids. Then Buu would rule the world. And to think Bulma could do all that.

What if Gokou lost to Vegita during their first battle?
Vegita would have destroyed the Earth, which means everything on it as well. Because of this, the Dragonball Z series would have come to an abrupt end, and Vegita would have went about his planet destroying ways. This would also affect the Furiza saga, because no one would get the password for the Dragon Balls [ Dende gave the password to Kuririn and Gohan who be-friended him. Without them, Dende wouldn't have given it up ].

What if the Namek Dragon Balls didn't require a password?
Another series ender. Furiza would have gotten immortality, and with that Namek-sei would have come to an end. Furiza would rule the universe, and not even a Super Saiya-jin would be able to kill him.

What if the Super Saiya-jin legend wasn't true?
Gokou would have needed to be stronger at that time, obviously. His power was nothing compared to even Furiza's at 50%. Of course, Kuririn could have done a multi-kienzan, and slice up Furiza into multiple pieces, which would have resulted in a victory[ I guess, unless Furiza could fight like that ].

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