
info on the dragonballs
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info on the dragonballs

here is some info on the dragonballs

What are the Dragonballs?
The namesake of the series, the Dragonballs play a major role throughout much of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT.

In Dragonball and DBZ, the Dragonballs are a collection of seven crystal spheres each containing stars numbering from one to seven which can be used to grant the summoner a wish. After the summoner's wish has been granted, the Dragonballs scatter across the globe and cannot be used again for quite some time. The number of wishes (1-3), power of each wish, and the time between successive summonings (130 days to one year) depend on the set of 'Balls used. When the creator of a particular set of Dragonballs dies, the balls instantly turn to stone until a successor can take his place and revive the dragon.

In Dragonball GT, the Dragonballs have a much different appearance. The set of 'Balls used in this anime-only series was created by Piccolo before he split into Kami-sama and Piccolo Daimaio. These Ultimate Dragonballs (a.k.a. Black Star Dragonballs), have some rather unique properties. For starters, these balls scatter across the entire universe after being used, rather than just being scattered around the globe. In addition, the Ultimate Dragonballs put so much strain on the planet on which they are used that they must be returned to that planet within one year or the planet will be destroyed! Finally, the wishes granted by these Dragonballs are so powerful that they cannot be reversed by any other set of 'Balls.

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