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Tenkaichi Budoukai Info

reviews of the Tenkaichi Budoukais (21st - 23rd

21st Tenkaichi Budoukai Review

In one of Gokuh's preliminary round's he faces Oootako. Oootako is an extremely large man, but Gokuh easily pushes him out of the ring. This stuns a lot of the people as to how such a small kid could defeat such a monster.

In one of Kuririn's preliminary match's he faces off against Oorinji's Senbai. This is one of the people from where he used to live and this guy always picked on Kuririn. Kuririn easily defeats him in the match, though.

In the next preliminary round, Gokuh faces off against Bokusa and once again Gokuh defeats his opponent with ease.

In his next preliminary round, Kuririn faces off against Ken Pou Ka. Ken Pou Ka is a rip off of Bruce Lee in all ways. Despite being a skilled fight, Ken Pou Ka is still defeated by Kuririn.

In Gokuh's final preliminary match, Gokuh faces off against and he just picks the guy up and throws him out of the ring.

In Kuririn's final preliminary match, Kuririn fights Bear Man. Bear Man punches Kuririn, but Kuririn dodges the punch and counters with a kick, this causes Bear Man to give up.

Now, we come to the finals of the Tenkaichi Budoukai which consists of 8 people. The fights will go as follows. Kuririn vs. Bacterium, Jackie Chun vs. Yamucha, Lanfan vs. Namu, and Giran vs. Gokuh.

The first match consists of Kuririn against Bacterium. Bacterium is a guy who has never bathed and he uses this to his advantage. He has many attacks, one is that he breaths on the opponent, one is that he wipes his crotch area with his hand and makes the opponent smell it, and this next attack is one that almost defeats Kuririn, Bacterium will fart on his opponent. Gokuh reminds Kuririn though, that he does not have a nose and therefore can not even smell it. Kuririn kicks and knocks out Bacterium.

The next match is Yamucha vs. Jackie Chun. Jackie Chun is actually Kamesennin, but no one knows this. Throughout the whole match it is clearly visible that Yamucha is no match for Jackie Chun and Jackie Chun is quite cocky throughout the match. Yamucha finally uses his Rou Ka Fuu Fuu San attack which is his Wolf Attack. Jackie dodges the attack though and uses an attack that blows Yamucha out of the ring.

The next match faces Namu up against Lanfan. Namu is fighting in the Tenkaichi Budoukai so that with the prize money he will be able to buy water for his village. Lanfan uses the fact that she is a girl to her advantage though and causes Namu to drop is guard many times and Lanfan is able to get in many attacks. Finally, in a final effort to win, Lanfan removes her close so that she will stun Namu. The attack almost works, but Namu knows that he must win. Namu closes is eyes and knocks out Lanfan.

The next match let's see Gokuh battle against Giran. Giran and Gokuh exchange many blows, but finally Gokuh is successful and throws Giran out of the ring. Everyone thinks that Goku has one, but we see that Giran can fly and that he never touched the ground. Giran then uses his Guru Guru Gum and traps Gokuh in it. Gokuh is thrown out of the ring, but he is rescued by Kintoun. It is ruled that it will be allowed only this time. Gokuh then breaks free of the Gum and to show his strength he punches a hole in a wall. This causes Giran to give up.

That is the end of the first round in the finals. Now there are a total of 4 people left in the Tenkaichi Budoukai and they are Jackie Chun vs. Kuririn and Gokuh vs. Namu.

Jackie Chun and Kuririn will do battle first. Kuririn is losing pretty badly to Jackie, but Kuririn then pulls out a pair of panties in an effort to distract the old man and it works. Kuririn knocks Jackie out of the ring, but Jackie Chun uses a Kame Hame Ha to propel himself back into the ring. After a little more fighting Kuririn is knocked out of the ring by Jackie Chun.

In the next fight Gokuh will fight Namu. Namu is smart and does not fall for all of Gokuh's tricks easily. Each of the fighters exchange blows for a while, until Namu gets in the first blow. After some more fighting Gokuh uses a spinning attack, but after a while he falls over from being dizzy. After seeing Gokuh on the ground, Namu uses his finishing attack, an attack where he falls at his opponent with his arms in the shape of an "X". Namu connects with the attack, but Gokuh still manages to get up. After another attempt, Namu is kicked out of the ring.

We are not ready for the final match which will face Jackie Chun against Gokuh.

At the beginning of this fight each of the two opponents are trying to out do each other. Gokuh wins the Kame Hame Ha match by a slight margin. Jackie Chun does a double fake image technique and Gokuh then does a triple fake image technique. Jackie Chun then uses his Drunken Style Attack where he wanders around the ring acting drunk. Gokuh knows what Chun is up to, though, and uses his mad dog attack where he just attacks wildly. The fight goes into the night and Gokuh sees the full moon, Gokuh then turns into his Monkey Form. Jackie Chun is forced to blow up the moon. After this, fighting resumes and the two engage in hand to hand combat. The two go to kick each other, but because of his longer legs, Jackie connects more solidly with Gokuh and Gokuh is knocked out. Jackie Chun is then announced the winner of the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Date: May 7, 750 A.D.
Episodes: 19-28
Manga Volumes: 3-5 Total

Entrants: 137
Final Competitors: 8

1st Fight - Bacterian vs. Krillin
2nd Fight - Jackie Chun vs. Yamcha
3rd Fight - Namu vs. Ran Fan
4th Fight - Son Goku vs. Giran

1st Fight - Krillin vs. Jackie Chun
2nd Fight - Namu vs. Son Goku

Finals Final
Fight - Jackie Chun vs. Son Goku

Winner: Jackie Chun (Muten Roshi)
Runner-up: Goku Prize
Money: 1st Place - 500,000 zeni

The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai

The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place in 753 A.D., 3 years after the previous Budoukai. There are a total of 182 contestants in this years Budoukai and after the blocks are picked we see that all of the Z fighters are in seperate blocks besides Gokuh and Yamucha, but they will still not fight each other until late in the Budoukai. The first preliminary match for Yamucha is against Mohichan and Yamucha easily wins. In the next match Kuririn fights against Oootako, who is the same guy that Gokuh had faced three years ago in the preliminary rounds. Just as Gokuh did, Kuririn easily wins the match. The next match has Tenshinhan fighting Sumou Tori and Tenshinhan brags about how strong he is. Tenshinhan steps in the ring and quickly desposes of his opponent, everyone, but Gokuh is surprised at Tenshinhan's strength. Gokuh in his next preliminary match fights against Chapa-ou and Chapa is a very strong opponent and this is expected to be a good match. Well, it isn't, Gokuh is still too strong and he ends up blowing Chapa out of the ring, everyone is surprised with Gokuh's strength. In the final preliminary match we see that involves the Z fighters, Jackie Chun fights Bear Man and ends up winning after knocking him unconscious. So, now that we are out of the preliminary rounds we are left with an 8 block competition to decide who will be the world champion.

The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai 8-block finals

With the help of Chouzo, the pairings are set up and the first match will face Tenshinhan up against Yamucha.

Tenshinhan vs. Yamucha

Besides the fact that Tenshinhan and Yamucha are now rivals, there masters are also rivals. Kamesennin is an enemy of Tenshinhan's trainer tsurusennin. So, now we start the match, though. As the match begins the crowd sees that both of the fighters are fast and Tenshinhan is happy to be fighting someone of Yamucha's strength. Yamucha uses his Wolf Fang Attack, but it does not work. After some more fighting, Yamucha attemtps to do a Kame Hame Ha and it works, it is weak though and Tenshinhan just reflects it back at the boy. Yamucha jumps up in the air, but he does not see that Tenshinhan is now above him and Tenshinhan knocks out Yamucha. Tenshinhan continues to fight, though, and he breaks Yamucha's leg. Finally, Tenshinhan is declared the winner.

Jackie Chun vs. Man-Wolf

Right off the bat we find out why Man-Wolf hates Jackie Chun. Well, whenever there is a full moon, Man-Wolf turns from a wolf into a man. Well, he had meet a girl, but during the previous Budoukai, Jackie Chun had destroyed the moon. Now, this Man-Wolf was not able to turn into a man and be with this girl. Man-Wolf wanted to fight Jackie Chun so he could get revenge. The match begins and Jackie Chun immediately knocks down his opponent. Man-wolf pulls out a knife and even though this is illegal, the match continues. He is not able to hurt Jackie though and now Jackie convinces the his opponent that he is a dog and gets him to chase a bone out of the ring, causing him to lose the match. After a minute, the wolf runs back into the ring, but Jackie has him look at the "moon", which is actually Kuririn's bald head. The Wolf is turned back into a man and runs off happily.

Kuririn vs. Chouzo

Chouzo starts off the match by knocking Kuririn around and then Chouzo flies out of the ring to saftey. From there he gets ready to use his special attack which is the Dodon Pa. At the same time, Kuririn powers up to use the Kame Hame Ha, but it is a fact that the Dodon Pa is stronger than the Kame Hame Ha. Kuririn jumps in the air and fires off his attack, hitting Chouzo and it looks as though he will win. Chouzo uses his paralyze technique, though to paralyze Kuririn's heart. Kuririn, though, says a match problem to break Chouzo's concentration and gets in a hit. After doing the same thing for a second time, Kuririn is able to defeat Chouzo.

Gokuh vs. Panputto

Well, Panputto has won many world championships, so it is expected to be a good match. However, Gokuh easily knocks out his opponent after getting in some hits with his elbow

The Final 4

Jackie Chun vs. Tenshinhan

At the beginning of the match there is some talking exchanged and then the match starts. The two fighters are very evenly matched and Tenshinhan wants to know who Jackie Chun really is. Tsurusennin then through telepathy tells Tenshinhan that Jackie Chun is actually Kamesennin. After seeing some more moves from Tenshinhan, Jackie Chun jumps out of the ring to be disqualified.

Kuririn vs. Gokuh

Well, on and off all throughout the match the two take breaks to say how much fun they are having. After fighting for a while Kuririn realizes that he will not beat Gokuh with his Muscle or speed, so he plans on tricking Gokuh. Kuririn fires a Kame Hame Ha, but only to distract Gokuh so that he can grab his tail. Gokuh then tells Kuririn that, that is no longer a weakness of his, though. Gokuh begins to fight seriously though and begins to hop around the match so quickly that he becomes invisable. All of a sudden he reappears in front of Kuririn and surprised Kuririn so much that Kuririn jumps out of the ring and Gokuh wins the match

The Championship Match

Tenshinhan vs. Gokuh

The match begins and the two fighters appear to be evenly matched, but then Tenshinhan goes in for the death blow by using his Volley Ball technique, but Goku is fine after the move. In the middle of the match, though, all of a sudden Gokuh can not move and this happens many times. What is happening is that Chouzo is paralyzing Gokuh so that Tenshinhan can get in hits and win the match. Finally, though, Tenshinhan yells out to stop and Chouzo does. Tsurusennin goes to kill Chouzo, but Kamesennin comes to a rescue with a Kame Hame Ha and the match continues. Tenshinhan uses a technique where he grows an extra set of arms, but in return, Gokuh uses the eight arms technique and knocks Tenshinhan around. Tenshinhan is now upset and plans on using Kikoho. Tenshinhan fires off the blast and even though Gokuh jumps in the air and avoids the blast, the rind is now gone. Since Tenshinhan can float, once Gokuh lands he will lose the match. However, Gokuh uses a Kame Hame Ha to propel himself into Tenshinhan, so now both the fighters are falling to the ground. Since Gokuh will be the first one to hit he uses the last of his power to form a Kame Hame Ha which will slow his fall. At the last moment however, Gokuh hits a van which causes him to touch the ground first and Tenshinhan is declared the winner.

After The Match

Well, everyone is now friends and Tenshinhan offers to split the money with Gokuh, but Gokuh declines. So, instead, Tenshinhan says that he will take them all out to eat. To bad it is all interupted by Kuririn's death, though.

Date: May 7, 753 A.D.
Episodes: 84-101
Manga Volumes: 10-12

Total Entrants: 182
Final Competitors: 8

1st Fight - Tenshinhan vs. Yamcha
2nd Fight - Wolf Man vs. Jackie Chun
3rd Fight - Chaotzu vs. Krillin
4th Fight - Panpishito vs. Son Goku

1st Fight - Jackie Chun vs. Tenshinhan
2nd Fight - Son Goku vs. Krillin

Finals Final
Fight - Son Goku vs. Tenshinhan

Winner: Tenshinhan
Runner-up: Goku Prize
Money: 1st Place - 500,000 zeni

The 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai

Held in 756 A.D., the 23rd Tenakichi Budoukai had a total of 72 competitors. As in the previous Budoukai, Chouzo uses his Telepathic skills so that he can pick who goes in each bracket.

Preliminary Rounds

Gokuh's first match is against King Chop-ou, a man who he had defeated in the preliminary round of the previous years Budoukai. Gokuh has just gotten done with his training under Kami, so everyone is excited to see how much he has learned. At the beginning of the fight Gokuh just stands still, but when King Chop-ou attack Gokuh, Gokuh goes behind him so quickly that no one sees it. So, when Chop-ou turns around he gets knocked out by Gokuh.

In Chouzo's match he fights the Cyborg Tai Pai Pai and ends up getting killed by the assasin. Chouzo is the only Z fighter not to advance to the finals.

In the final match we see for the Preliminary rounds, Shien fights against Yajorobie. Yajarobie is in costume, so no one knows who he is and Shien is actually Kami in a human body. As the fight begins, Shien is a dorky looking man and he rushs at Yajorobie, but he trips. When he gets back up, though, he punches Yajorobie and knocks him out to win the match.

The 8 Block Finals

The first match has Tenshinhan fighting against Cyborg Tao Pai Pai. When the fight begins both fighters seem confident. It is easy to tell once the fight begins, though, that Tenshinhan is in control. In anger, Tao Pai Pai uses a blade in his arm in an attempt to kill Tenshinhan. Tao Pai Pai is disqualified, but he keeps going. However, Tenshinhan ends up knocking him out in one blow.

The nextv match has Gokuh vs. Chi Chi, but Gokuh is not aware of who the girl is. Gokuh is told that unless he wins he will not be told of who she is. Gokuh uses air to blow her out of the ring and after the match finds out that it is Chi Chi and that he had promised to marry her.

Kurrin has been paired up with Ma Junior for the next fight. Ma Junior is actually Piccolo. Kuririn tries everything he has, but is not strong enough to defeat Ma Junior. Kuririn uses a Kame Hame Ha, but Piccolo uses One Pattern to teleport behind Kuririn and knock him out.

In the final match of the 8 man round we see Yamucha up against Shien. At the beginning of the match, Shien makes it look like he is getting in a bunch of lucky attacks, but finally the two fighters get serious. Shein is too fast and too powerful for Yamucha and throughout the whole match Shien is giving Yamucha tips on how to fight. FInally, Shien knocks Yamucha out of the ring.

The Final Four

The first of the second round matches has Tenshinhan fighting Gokuh. At first the two fighters appear to be even, but then Gokuh takes a break so that he can take off all of his weighted clothing and from that point on Gokuh dominated the match. Tenshinhan uses a technique which splits him into four different bodies, but Gokuh uses Taioken on the four and then knocks them all out of the ring to win the match.

In the final match of the second round we get to see Ma Junior and Shien go at it. At the beginning of the match, Shien takes Piccolo by surprise with his strength and it appears that the two fighters are evenly matched. Ma Junior also wants to know how Shien knows so much about him. The two fighters take a break to talk, but in the namek language. Shien then pulls out the Denshi Jar and prepares to do Mafuu Ba, but Ma Junior replies with Mafuuba also and takes Kami out his human body and wins the match when the human body falls unconscious.

The Final Match

Gokuh vs. Piccolo is the final match of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai. The two fighters are too fast for everyone to follow, but it appears as though Ma Junior is in the lead. Piccolo then goes to use an attack, but since it will kill a lot of people who are watching, Gokuh draws the attack to him, but Piccolo misses. Gokuh then uses his Chou Kame Hame Ha, but it is not enough to kill Piccolo. After this attack is when Ma Junior announces that he is actually Piccolo. Everyone in the stands leaves and now just a few people are left behind. Piccolo then uses an attack which makes him grow super big. Gokuh however uses a Kame Hame Ha to propel himself into Piccolo's Mouth and when he comes back out he has the Denshi Jar which Piccolo had swolled earlier. The Denshi Jar is then opened and Kami is released. After some more fighting, Piccolo has broken or severly injured all of Gokuh's body. As Piccolo is about to Kill Gokuh however we see that Gokuh has learned how to fly and he flies into Piccolo and knocks him out of the ring. So, this means that Gokuh has won the match and is the strongest man in the world.

Date: May 7, 756 A.D.
Episodes: 133-148
Manga Volumes: 14-17

Total Entrants: 72
Finalists: 8

1st Fight - Tao Pai Pai vs. Tenshinhan
2nd Fight - Son Goku vs. Chi chi
3rd Fight - Krillin vs. Ma Junior (Piccolo)
4th Fight - Shien vs. Yamcha

1st Fight - Tenshinhan vs. Son Goku
2nd Fight - Ma Junior (Piccolo) vs. Shien Finals

Final Fight
Son Goku vs. Ma Junior (Piccolo)

Winner: Goku
Runner-up: Piccolo Jr.
Prize Money: 1st Place - 500,000 zeni